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28 Jan 2023 15:03:55
Gordon gone according el bobble.


1.) 28 Jan 2023 17:13:37
Just need to reinvest the money in someone and make sure that it’s signed, sealed and delivered.

2.) 28 Jan 2023 18:11:32
Same elbobble that said we’d signed Danjuma ?

Think I’ll wait to see him in a Newcastle shirt before believe it’s done.

3.) 28 Jan 2023 19:09:55
Pictures of him signing.

4.) 28 Jan 2023 19:26:35
Well he's in one.

5.) 28 Jan 2023 21:30:20
Victor Gyökeres Is best,

6.) 29 Jan 2023 09:09:20
Not covered himself in Glory, so called True Everton, now I understand ambition and understand attractive offers, but there is a right way of doing stuff, IF the reports are true he didn't turn up for a couple of days to do the job he's paid to do!

7.) 29 Jan 2023 11:36:43
Well. Jesus Christ, we've had Newcastle's pants down there haven't we. Bloody hell. Toodle pip Rodwell.
You can tell Eddie howe is a Blue, and he's helped us out there!



21 Aug 2022 21:06:43
Ed25, what ever happened to the striker you thought we were going to sign?

Has it fell through? Or just taking longer than expected?


{Ed025's Note - it’s on hold until the Gordon situation is sorted out Chris..

1.) 22 Aug 2022 08:23:28
What is the Gordon situation though? They seemingly bid early last week and we rejected it and from outside looking in it’s been very very quiet since. Can we expect them to come back with another bid? The issue for us is can we really afford to wait? Can lampard afford to wait? Two big away games before Liverpool and Arsenal? I don’t think he should be sacked but we could easily be looking at 4 losses.

{Ed025's Note - everton are thinking they will be back BT, if they or spurs offer £50m i think he may go mate..

2.) 22 Aug 2022 09:33:55
My main concern is spurs and Chelsea will leave it so late in the window offer 50 mill (which is unfortunately too much to turn down) and it it will be too late for us to get a decent striker in.

3.) 22 Aug 2022 09:49:11
I reckon they will come back this week and it’ll be sorted by the weekend. They cannot afford to leave it too late as we need time to find a replacement. There could be a potential bidding war, which may work in our favours (and Chelsea’s) as I’m reckon they might chuck a couple of players into the mix as well.

4.) 22 Aug 2022 10:02:37
If the club sell Gordon this week any club with any business acumen will immediately bump up the price of any player we want, as we will be desperate. Any PL club that has any sense won't sell to us knowing that our squad will be really weak and would more than likely be a prime candidate for relegation which is worth more to them than the £20M-£30m they may get for a player. We need to keep Gordon this window and get a forward or two in. Be careful what you wish for!

5.) 22 Aug 2022 09:30:25
Ed025. Can you see this Gordon thing dragging out to the end of the window, him staying with us and as a result we end up signing no one else?

{Ed025's Note - knowing us shreds it will probably be a drawn out saga mate. I certainly hope not but it’s very frustrating at the moment..

6.) 22 Aug 2022 09:30:28
Possibly Newcastle too? Feels like there’s a deal to be done with someone and that Frank is resigned to losing him. If we get 3 in, a centre mid and two forwards, I won’t be too disappointed.

7.) 22 Aug 2022 09:31:47
Did frank lampard really say we wasn't looking for another striker until DCL got injured? If true I find it astonishing.

8.) 22 Aug 2022 10:26:27
Nothing to worry about with Chelsea and spurs leaving it late. Just need to give them a deadline or no sale. Don't have to sell him. Just shot Cannon up front. He's scoring goals. Looks a little live wire. Rather have him than another teams cast off.

9.) 22 Aug 2022 11:26:37
Would definitely be worth giving Cannon a run out in the cup game just to see if he is good enough. We could always sub Rondon on if he's not.

10.) 22 Aug 2022 11:44:50
Any easy solution to this would be to not announce the AG deal until we have found a replacement and agreed on a fee.

Once they are in, then announce the Gordon deal . but after all, this is Everton we are talking about.

11.) 22 Aug 2022 12:00:05
We should ask for pulisic as part of the deal on loan as would have Gordon’s replacement, 12 months to replace long term and the money for a striker.
Appreciate he may want champions league and should be there but surely game time is the main driver with the World Cup coming up?



23 May 2022 17:10:48
Apparently we've offered 90k a week for Tarkowski on a free. We've really not learnt our lesson have we.


1.) 23 May 2022 17:51:50
Yeah bit steep them wages fc if true mate but would be good edition if he joined am hoping maybe mina would be going out like before we consider getting players.

2.) 23 May 2022 18:35:30
40k increase on what he is on at the movement I don't think so, good player but not worth 90K per week. Outs before Ins as we need to address out finances big time. If we could get rid of Mina and Gomes Gbamin and Allan then with the 5 outgoings and the unlikelihood of signing either loanee's our wage bill will be significantly reduced. That may give us a bit of leeway to sign one or two players and put a chunk towards the financial issue we have. Speculation of course but with the club being is such a financial mess I'm not getting my hope up for a mass overhaul of players even if we have to sell all our major assets.

3.) 23 May 2022 19:06:35
If true then do agree £90k per week does seem steep.

However is on a free so would imagine that’s been factored into that figure.

Also Tosun a player who has hardly played but has just left so that’s £80k per week off wage bill.

So for an extra £10k per week we’d be getting a player in a position we need cover for, who’s played in the league and would improve the squad.

Obviously all speculation and no idea if true, but if it was it wouldn’t seem the worst deal.

However not sure how it fits in with current profit and sustainability situation.

4.) 23 May 2022 22:47:44
He is on 50K per week now, is 29 and only 6 feet 1 inches tall and was part of a relegated team that let in 53 goals. We should be able to do better and build for the future, not replace what we have with the same or marginally better players at elevated salaries. Not sure what our scouts and DOF do, is Burnley as far as they get?

5.) 23 May 2022 23:57:58
Agree Mike we should be able to do better, however we haven’t previously and now are restricted on how much we can spend due to previous errors.

All speculation regards Tarkowski however:

He’s a free transfer so I’d imagine wages would be increased to include a signing on bonus, as I’d imagine it would look better on our books if that was in wages over period of contract rather than a lump sum at starts.

Also yes he was part of a team that got relegated. He conceded 51 goals, however we conceded 58 goals.

He was also the one centreback who played virtually every game but due to injuries to team mates (Lawton and Mee) rarely had a solid pairing.

Is he a top signing - no.

Is he better than we have - probably

Is he a leader on the pitch - yes

Is he a good stop gap until we get more financially secure - yes.

6.) 24 May 2022 06:35:31
Today’s papers say £120k a week.

7.) 24 May 2022 08:18:51
What are fans feelings towards selling Mina and using Keane Holgate Godfrey Braithwaite and Welch and i get we have been poor defensively this season but if we bring Anthony Barry in that would be an amazing bit of business as he is the reason Chelsea sorted their defence out.

8.) 24 May 2022 09:01:07
Money aside is Tarkowski any better than what we already have? surely not another bargain basement signing from a relegated side!
Surely we need to look for players that have experience the other end of the league with a winning mentality!

9.) 24 May 2022 09:23:53
wakka57 we can't afford experienced players playing in the top 6 and yes I would sell mina and go with what we have and maybe look to a loan on reasonable wage.

10.) 24 May 2022 10:28:35
sa90 surely we have squandered the money by paying overinflated prices and ridiculous wages to average players over the last few years, this is why we can no longer afford them.
Mina is our best CB but constantly injured, Holgate is not up to it and Godfrey only developed as a stand in right back but I do not see him challenging as a CB.
Look at Tomori that went to Milan from Chelsea he was less money than Mina I believe young and developing.

11.) 24 May 2022 11:06:57
Tarkowski would be an alright signing if we were clearing out the defence and managed to get rid of Mina, Keane and Holgate whilst paying Tarkowski the same wages he is on or marginally more. Loan Welch out, Branthwaite, Godfrey, Tarkowski and try and get a solid centre crack which would be difficult under our finance difficulties. Another way to look at it may be getting Branthwaite cover if we could get him loaned out. Once again though, high wages and a long contract should be a huge no no. We need to clear players out first though.

12.) 24 May 2022 11:48:43
wakka57 I agree with what you have said, I just don't think we have the finances to get another highly paid CB that costs a fair amount of cash. If we sell both Keane and Holgate as well as Mina then that's a different conversation.

13.) 24 May 2022 12:13:12
What’s happened to Lewis Gibson the up and coming centreback we signed from Newcastle for a fee that could rise to £6m!

Would keep Holgate, branthwaite and Godfrey and add an experienced player to those 3. If that’s Tarkowski then think that would be decent.

If we can move mina and Keane on to raise some money and clear some wages that would also be ok.

14.) 24 May 2022 17:06:25
Holgate was performing better towards end of the season and a goal threat. Keep Holgate, Godfrey, Branthwaite. Sell Mina (injured) and possibly Keane if bringing in Tarkowski.

15.) 24 May 2022 19:22:16
One day we'll learn but I'm not holding out much hope. They said after the Wimbledon game "never again" its happened twice since. C'mon Everton, get it right!

16.) 24 May 2022 20:07:53
GD, Gibson was on loan at Sheff We'd last season. His season was blighted by injuries so it doesn't tell us much really.

17.) 24 May 2022 22:15:28
Cheers BP was unaware of that.
However with all the fanfare made about us signing him as he was the next up and coming defender surprised he’s not getting a mention as being in contention next season.

18.) 25 May 2022 14:11:26
Tarkowski is good, but not worth those wages. Hopefully the rumour that Villa offered him way more than us is true.

A Wednesday fan I know said Gibson looked good on the rare occasion he left the treatment room, but did poorly at Reading the year before.



05 Jan 2022 22:15:17
Newcastle offered 22.5mil plus longstaff for digne according to SSN.


1.) 05 Jan 2022 22:26:38
According to Fabrizio Romano there’s no chance he’s going to Newcastle.

Apparently will go this window and probably to a premier league team.

He’s usually very good with his info.

2.) 05 Jan 2022 22:34:45
Yeah he is Dan. The fact a player would be coming in as well makes the news look less likely as well but SSN don't usually report things that have no basis.

You never know though they might just be reporting it to get people making bets on sky betting.

3.) 05 Jan 2022 22:44:30
Could be right regards betting angle Chris.

Also by them saying Longstaff involved - a player Rafa previously interested in - makes it seem a bit more believable.

Could all be genuine - but if player doesn’t want move highly unlikely would happen

Will be interesting to see what the other supposed interested clubs come up with as an offer of the Newcastle one is genuine.

4.) 05 Jan 2022 22:45:32
Think I’d probably take that to be honest.

5.) 05 Jan 2022 22:56:10
Swap deals aren’t common so I’d be surprised if it happened. The problem is every man and his dog are linked with Newcastle at the moment - bit like us for the last few seasons as people knew there was money to spend.

6.) 05 Jan 2022 23:23:26
An hour later and now SSN reporting we made an offer for Longstaff ?

Got to love transfer season, nobody really knows what transfers will or won’t happen.

7.) 05 Jan 2022 23:44:40
Is longstaff even any good?

8.) 06 Jan 2022 00:08:02
No but neither is what we have.

9.) 06 Jan 2022 00:11:51
No idea BD but think Rafa rates him from his time at Newcastle.

Not sure how we’re going to recruit any more players though without any other outgoings as sure Ed002 previously said only had space for 1 more player.

So with 2 signed and Digne on his way doesn’t look like room for anyone else unless we move others on.

Any of the Ed’s know if we have any other potential sales lined up?

{Ed002's Note - Everton has a bunch of players available and contracts running out. Something can be done with Tosun this month but Everton will need to accept whatever Besiktas off. Allan would be available this month if fit but the club may find it difficult to find a buyer, so it seems unlikely. Delph might be available this month but it would depend on an addition in all probabilty.}

10.) 06 Jan 2022 09:38:43
Longstaff is a very strong midfielder, an improvement on what we have at Everton.

11.) 06 Jan 2022 13:41:55
My Newcastle mate raves about Longstaff and says he would be gutted to lose him
There are reports we have bid for him but it’s not linked to any deal with Digne
Also a few rumours about Vecino who’s contract is coming to an end in the summer not sure if this is more to do with old links being resurrected.

12.) 06 Jan 2022 17:39:08
Take Longstaff all day long when you see some of ours.

13.) 07 Jan 2022 07:29:43
I'd be shocked if Digne ends up at Newcastle. I'm still hoping he might stay, but seems unlikely, he's not had the best couple of seasons but then again, Everton haven't been great either.

{Ed025's Note - i hope he leaves tomtom, it will free up money to buy someone who actually wants to be here mate..

14.) 07 Jan 2022 11:04:36
Yeh I see your point, but I like the guy, does he want to leave or is it just a clash of personalities with Rafa? If he doesn't want to play for us I agree we should sell ASAP.

15.) 07 Jan 2022 13:18:37
Longstaff would be a replacement for Allan, who hasn't got the energy required for the Premiership.



17 Dec 2021 06:26:44
Dinamo Kiev manager announced that Mykolenko has left for Everton. With us having to sell to buy and Digne's lack of involvement recently you'd assume he's off. Fee for Mykolenko rumoured to be 20mil, we wouldn't be spending that on a cover player. Hopefully we get more than that for digne and save some in the wages too.

Tbh I can't say I'm sad to see digne go, his heart hasn't been in it for a long time now. His forward and defensive play has been really poor this season and last season.


1.) 17 Dec 2021 08:03:13
I think Newcastle will take him.

2.) 17 Dec 2021 08:23:56
spot on mate i think that is great business from Rafa. my brother and me can't stand him anymore after that first season he just lost interest. can't defend, can't take a player on, always cuts back, and when he does cross its usually always blocked by the first man! Mykolenko looks like he could develop into a great player young fast aggresive good pace like to take a player on. hopefully this is the start of some smart recruitment.

3.) 17 Dec 2021 08:35:40
Can Newcastle sign Iwobi as well…. please.

4.) 17 Dec 2021 10:48:46
I'd throw Iwobi in as a freebe.

5.) 17 Dec 2021 11:26:39
The kid's having his medical apparently, Chris. This is what we need. Reasonably priced players, deals done quickly and quietly for players hungry to learn and succeed. Look at the Czech boys moyes got at hammers, bargains them.

6.) 17 Dec 2021 11:59:18
Anybody with a name like that is welcome at my club. To be known as Blue Myk from now on.

7.) 17 Dec 2021 12:50:16
With Ukraine on their winter break, makes sense to get him through any isolation etc coming into the country before he can officially sign. Hopefully Digne will still bring a decent fee so we can bring another in with the money, can't see us doing this unless we already had a firm offer though.

8.) 17 Dec 2021 13:17:18
It's nice to see the club get deals done early and not wait until deadline day. You'd assume Digne is lined up to go somewhere. Anyone know? Ed02?

{Ed002's Note - Beck has spoken to a number of clubs about Digne and I guess there is an outside chance Juventus may bite as they have an issue with how Sandro has been performing. The issue is that clubs will likely look for a loan with an option to buy as January is not the ideal time for transfers.}

9.) 17 Dec 2021 15:18:16
Saddens me how quickly we turn our back on players. Not long ago he was touted (by the supporters) as the best left back in the Premiership. Now we’re getting all excited at spending close to 20m on a player nobody has ever heard of.

10.) 17 Dec 2021 17:02:28
It’s not that quick Bob, he’s been underperforming for a good while now.

11.) 17 Dec 2021 18:32:19
There’s no one player bigger than the club.

12.) 17 Dec 2021 18:36:14
I’m getting giddy that we might sign a player early in the window, it’s unheard of!

{Ed025's Note - its just not us mate..

13.) 17 Dec 2021 19:04:14
Fans doing it again believing everything they read.
Do you recall “our kids must be rubbish” and everyone believing that crap.
If you want to know how good he is, just watch the calibration of the clubs that come in for him.
To listen to you lot you would think he was the only player going through a dip in form. But hey Rafa doesn’t like him so he must be crap.

14.) 17 Dec 2021 20:43:07
Might need to check your own calibration Woburn mate.

15.) 17 Dec 2021 21:52:26
Yea that should have said calibre JB. Speed typing with fat fingers, never good??.

16.) 17 Dec 2021 21:55:49
Are fans believing everything they read Woburn? I haven't read anything about digne's form being atrocious. but I do believe by eyes with which I have seen his form being atrocious for a sustained period of time.

17.) 17 Dec 2021 20:26:50
Ed002 you’re very knowledgeable when it comes to transfers. Is this mykolenko rumour true? Been reported in several different publications.

If it is true are you aware of how we are going to fund it as we’re already in a precarious position with ffp and spending just shy of £20m doesn’t appear to be in keeping with what we need to do regards ffp.

18.) 19 Dec 2021 15:27:30
Fabrizio confirmed it and he's had his medical too.

19.) 20 Dec 2021 02:36:43
Ed002 - I have the same/ similar question as Gingerdan above.

You said in another post that EFC would have submitted their FFP figures to the EPL in June last year

Maybe not 100% related but it appears that, as a result, we could only spend 1.7 million in the summer transfer window

Now, with no other FFP submissions since June we are supposed to be spending 20 million on this left back and being associated with many others

What could have happened between the summer transfer window and the one coming up that would make this change possible?

{Ed002's Note - I really have no idea what you are on about. I have never said Everton could only spend £1.7M last summer.}

20.) 20 Dec 2021 12:33:40
I never said you did ED

I said that you had said Everton would have submitted their FFP returns last June including the year ending 30th June 2021

We ended up only spending last summer 1.7m and a lot of people, not you per say, have said it was related to FFP difficulties

What could have changed since then that would allow us to spend a lot more this January such as the approx 20 million this new proposed left back is said to be costing


{Ed002's Note - Ask whoever told you that Everton could only spend £1.7M last summer.}

21.) 20 Dec 2021 12:45:00
I thought I'd go to the expert i. e. you ED

Have you not said in the past that Everton have FFP difficulties

Simple question . Do they still have them and, if so, how bad


{Ed002's Note - Yes Everton have FFP issues and they are very bad.}

22.) 20 Dec 2021 13:36:02
Thanks Ed
I appreciate it's not completely clear and that you are giving us the best info you can

Many thanks again.

{Ed002's Note - It is perfectly clear - Everton are in a financial mess and have FFP issues.}

23.) 21 Dec 2021 12:29:06
@bw one thing that would slightly factor in is that ffp is a rolling 3 year period and while we're still massively up against it, we did just replace a 90m+ summer with a 1.7m one in the most recent 3 years whenever it is next reported.

{Ed002's Note - It is two years at the moment and Everton are in a huge fiancial mess and losing vast amounts of money.}




FatChris89's banter posts with other poster's replies to FatChris89's banter posts


16 Dec 2023 19:25:08
Right, I'll be the first to say it. We're gona win the league.


1.) 17 Dec 2023 14:38:45
The fffp misconduct league?



10 Dec 2023 19:03:41
As much credit as dyche and the team are getting, and rightly so, I think Kevin Thelwell should get a lot of credit too. The team has so much more quality and has at least 1 good player in each position, giving it good balance and allows players to play in their correct position. Since he has come in the squad is so much better and we must be in a net surplus in transfers since he has been here.


{Ed025's Note - thats a fair point Chris mate..

1.) 10 Dec 2023 19:18:15
Harrison coming in is the key. First proper RM / RW In many a year. Been so lop sided until recently.

2.) 11 Dec 2023 22:33:25
Not to sure about the wisdom of him sitting next to brown paper bag head though Chris!



07 Dec 2023 21:46:30
I've given Sean Dyche some stick, I've given Dwight McNeil some stick and I've given Ashley young some stick. They've all done so well today.

Apart from a few misses in the 1st half you can't say that wasn't a great performance. Best I've seen us play in years.

Loving the tikka tacka goal. And I'm buzzing for the entire team and manager but so happy for beto to get his goal.

Top half with out the 10 points.

Without doubt Sean Dyche has got this team playing. Start taking our chances and even with this 10 point deduction I reckon we will be pushing for top half.

Branthwaitte and tarks are both immense. They've only been playing together for a few months and they are our best CB pairing in a long long time.

Stuff Chelsea and we go marching on.


1.) 07 Dec 2023 22:12:44
Nearly 30 passes in the build upto Beto's goal.

2.) 07 Dec 2023 22:39:56
Missed it as been to see Jeff mills at the bridgewater hall but heard the result and I'm so so so proud. utft!

3.) 07 Dec 2023 22:54:20
Well done guys.

4.) 07 Dec 2023 23:08:38
Not a bad excuse to miss the game that mate. Jealous sort of.

{Ed025's Note - well im not.. :)

5.) 07 Dec 2023 23:33:38
Haha thanks. But proper gutted I missed the game.



04 Nov 2023 17:07:15
Great game, at least for 60 or 70 mins, terrible refering and bad luck for the goal. Genuinely can't believe how bad the ref was, and it's constant that they are terrible.

I think the goal could have been avoided. Patterson on earlier for young or Harrison would have helped out a lot and I think Godfrey in midfield would have helped too. Dyche let himself and the club down with his substitutions again.

2 points lost. I'm sure a lot will disagree but I thought the performance was fantastic, players left it all out there.


1.) 04 Nov 2023 17:24:10
It's not just our games it's all games. The officiating has never been so bad. It's a total oxymoron considering they've been using technology in recent times. It's beyond me how it's possible. Something has to be done about it as they have all the tools now.
Great efforts all over park today. Easy one is to moan about Dyches constant lack of making subs but they had so much of the ball it's a bit harsh to go in on that. I'd take a point pre kick off. It's not pretty but you have to beat us now as opposed to self inflicted defeats as before. I'm still not a believer in the style but it's going to keep us out of relegation harm by a good margin. Expect to be safe with 6 or more games to play and that's luxury. It is what it is and I guess it'll give us a stable few years of mid table. I'll take that.

2.) 04 Nov 2023 17:37:47
Like I mentioned on another post, if it was a one off with his subs I wouldn't bring it up. But late subs that cost mistakes are a regular thing with dyche.

{Ed025's Note - i dont think we have much to complain about at the moment Chris..

3.) 04 Nov 2023 20:23:23
Football is more than just eleven players now, that’s why we have so many subs. We had players out on their feet, bringing fresh legs on is not a negative.



30 Sep 2023 17:20:15
I'm done with dyche now. He has proven time and time again that he has no idea how to set up a team to attack. He consistently plays players out of position and his player selection, formation, tactics and substitutes just have no logic or substance.

The guy needs to go. I don't think moshiri cares enough anymore to sack him. 777 at the game and they've just watched us lose to one of the worst teams the premier league has ever had. If we continue with dyche relegation is inevitable. If we get relegated then new ownership won't happen.

I don't think I've ever felt so low as a fan.


1.) 30 Sep 2023 17:49:19
Hope someone at the Club read posts and have the guts to point out Dyches flaws.




FatChris89's rumour replies


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22 Jun 2024 12:08:35
He is out of contract so on a free as far as I am aware.




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22 Jun 2024 12:07:26
Sean clearly doesn't rate him. His fee will help towards psr.




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22 Jun 2024 12:05:48
Calvert lewin although not great is miles ahead of anyone we have. As ed says he needs is the right service. A winger or 2 that can put a ball in would be great.

I really hope jack Harrison doesn't come back.




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24 May 2024 19:18:48
I'd bite their hands off for 50mil.




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24 May 2024 19:14:38
I've read Carlisle have a 50% sell on clause for branthwaitte. If that's true it will be absolutely massive for them. It will also really put a dent in our income and money to right off against psr.





FatChris89's banter replies


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11 May 2024 17:28:12
Yeah the 15 game run was mad with the run before and after.

Arsenal game is a bit of a right off for me.

Onto the next big challenge of the summer transfer window, or pre 30th of June transfers.

Also mad to think Forrest could stay up on 29 points.




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24 Apr 2024 22:22:59
It has got worse, but that's down to the financial situation we are in. I definitely think it's more balanced now, not got 8 LWs anymore.

The defence is the best it's been for past few seasons. Generally 2 players per position even though cover for some 2nd positions is by the same player. So even though it is worse and doesn't have the likes of richarlison there are some positives.




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16 Apr 2024 06:18:25
Young gets a game because Harrison has been genuinely woeful. If you look at stats young makes more successful crosses and gets into the box far more. Harrison's heat maps show he's not in the box most games and he might make 2 crosses. I'm not saying young is great but when Harrison is the alternative I can see why he gets played.

Young covers 4 positions as well so overall he's a good utility player with in tiny squad.

I agree he shouldn't be starting and should just be used as cover but it's not his fault all the rest are even worse than he is.




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16 Apr 2024 06:14:09
Yeah you're right Ron, should have just put gana on and told him to mark him all game. Onana and garner never work in midfield I don't know how Sean hasn't worked that out yet.




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05 Apr 2024 20:54:33
Young is past his best. He is also a great utility player to have in a tiny squad (RW, RB, LW, LB) . He was not brought in to be the starting RW.

However, Harrison has been absolutely abysmal of late, young has been better than Harrison. He gets in to the box more, makes more crosses and defends better. If I had to choose I'd play young over Harrison as well. I'm not saying young is a great player, but he's the best we have.

Personally I'd play with no wingers, I think Harrison and McNeil are 2 of our biggest underperformers of the season.


{Ed025's Note - i agree on Harrison Chris, McNeil does get a bit of leniency from me though mate just because of his wife,s misfortune..



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