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26 Aug 2020 09:42:32
Question in the current environment would you be happy if the club signs CA's older targets on season long loans with Brands buying younger players for the future. Then after the unwanted players contracts expire at the end of season expire the club reassess the transfer policy.


1.) 26 Aug 2020 10:09:26
I would take that all day long, after the last few years we need a proper plan in place and it's a killer but we need to be patient.
Carlo has always said that he will sign Good players and that they might not always be young but they will be Good.

2.) 26 Aug 2020 13:22:46
I'm happy, personally I'm sick of "building for the future" or buying unknowns or youngens with potential, as let's face it, this has been the plan for years and years and it hasn't exactly materialised has it.

I woukd like us to get some proven quality players in and actually enjoy going the game and watching us play some decent football,
I can't take another season like last year.



22 Jul 2018 14:03:19
One for the Ed's. Do you know if we are in any talks that may lead to bringing in a new left back. Silva has been playing Robinson quite a bit in pre-season so I have a feeling that he is being assessed to see if he is good enough to play as a back up LB.


{Ed002's Note - I cannot tell you about any talks just now but I understand that interest of Everton and others remains for Marvin Plattenhardt. I have mentioned others that may also be options.}

1.) 22 Jul 2018 14:58:25
Arent we in for Digne?

{Ed002's Note - Sure maybe, but Digne is very much a defensive left back rather than a wing back - and perhaps not really what Everton need.}

2.) 22 Jul 2018 15:35:25
Would be mice to have some defenders who can defend.

3.) 22 Jul 2018 15:32:33
Thanks ed. I thought playing a front 3 with only 2 CBs would lessen the need for a more attacking playerlike Plattenhardt. But i'm not that familiar with Digne to be honest and agree that we still need an outlet from our full backs. With a front 3, when the wider players tuck in you do need an outlet. Silva does like an attacking and expansive style aswell which points to a more forward thinking full back. Not disagreeing with you in any way ed just exploring my opinion, admittedly based on a lack of knowledge :) Has there been a player profile on Digne please ed?

4.) 22 Jul 2018 20:58:54
Thanks ed appreciate the info.

5.) 22 Jul 2018 22:48:26
Yeah I agree Ed he’s not he most confident person going forward from what I’ve seen. Looks panicked on the ball which is strange for a Barcelona player but if silva and brands want him let’s get behind him.



16 Jun 2016 16:46:47
If anyone fancies a laugh take a look at the emerging whispers on sly if we get half the players we are being rumored with we would have the best squad in the PL if not Europe. As you said though Ed its nice to be in the situation for a change.


1.) 16 Jun 2016 17:06:14
ano that today whisper had Lucas moura on it.



26 May 2016 13:35:59
Hypothetical one here if Zlatan goes to MU do you think Rooney would be surplus to requirements would we be his first port of call.


{Ed025's Note - i would doubt it sa, he will play one more season at utd then end his career in the MLS i suspect mate..

1.) 26 May 2016 18:30:48
Rooney definitely playing at Utd next season. May leave come Jan but he'll start August at Utd.



26 May 2016 13:22:45
Hypothetical one here if Zlatan goes to MU do you think Rooney would be surplus to requirements would we be his first port of call.


{Ed025's Note - it would come down to money i think sa and that would make it a non starter, my feeling is that he will play one more season with utd then end his career in the MLS mate..

1.) 26 May 2016 16:05:56
If we are looking to offer £200 million wages to Hart, ok paper talk, but I would not rule Everton out of signing Rooney as his wages could be met, call me a romantic but I have a gut feeling, Rooney will be coming back to Everton.




sa90's banter posts with other poster's replies to sa90's banter posts


19 Apr 2024 09:27:32
Is it just me or should the FA now after changing the FA Cup structure also change their Motto from "For All" to "For SIX".




26 Oct 2023 09:09:56
I personally don't see what all the panic is about The PL are investigating a claim of a potential breech of P&S guidance. There has been no information from the PL put in the public domain other than they will review the case. Nothing has been said as to what the breech is actually for either. Anything in the media at this time is pure speculation. Even if found guilty there would probably be some sort of appeals process which would push any punishment down the road. So you may end up stressing over something that won't even come to fruition.


1.) 26 Oct 2023 14:26:14
You can print anything now as long as you use words like, could may or it's possible.

2.) 26 Oct 2023 17:40:29
My view is we will IF found guilty get 6points + 6 suspended for 2 years. I have nothing to base this on other that seeing how these things work over the years.



23 Aug 2022 14:02:51
Interesting that the EFC related media state the Gordon deal all but is done but the CFC related media state we are likely to reject any new offer.




19 Jul 2021 08:59:10
The club is in a difficult situation if they let everyone know their targets then prices will rise and pundits will give their opinions prior to signing which may have a detrimental affects on the transfer. Alternatively but not letting everyone know their transfer targets then the media can com up with speculation that frustrates supporters as they don't necessarily support the idea of signing particular players. Until we sign a player every thing is speculation so why get worried about it, it probably won't happen anyway. If you look at our latest signings within the club they are all quality players or players with potential. I trust the club not the media.


1.) 19 Jul 2021 14:45:06
All Premier League teams are in that position- often a player just goes to the highest bidder, or for the highest wages. And why not - it’s a job after all.
In terms of managing the squad - the club may well be quite far down the line of getting players out which means we can develop the squad. Securing squad players, on lower wages, could enable us to make 2/ 3 marque signings. Not every player needs to be a guaranteed starter - we need players who can do a job in the cups, cover injuries/ suspensions etc. Let’s judge the signings once deadline day comes.

{Ed025's Note - i will have the squad player shout JB, but there are a lot of nay sayers out there looking for a stick to beat rafa with and andros fits the bill perfectly for them mate, in my view we needed a bit of a decent signing to appease the doubters and it would have gone a long way to smoothing the transition of the new manager coming in..

2.) 19 Jul 2021 16:01:56
Don’t disagree, Ed, mate. Hopefully that big name signing that we can get excited about is just round the corner.

{Ed025's Note - hopefully JB but the only names at the moment are Gray and Townsend mate, lets hope things change..



02 Jul 2021 10:53:40
Interesting interview on youtube Toffee TV with Guillem Balagué about Benitez. There is an obvious bias as Guillem knows Benitez personally but it does give you an insight into the Benitez and what he is about.


1.) 02 Jul 2021 16:49:43
Alternatively Rory who is a Chelsea fan/ Youtuber offers a slightly less favourable opinion on him in his video with Ped and Baz lol.

2.) 03 Jul 2021 10:58:22
Just watched it and the video he mentions when Benítez was Chelsea manager against Brentford. blimey, I had no idea how Chelsea fans felt about him.




sa90's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 17:55:02
why would we even offer a new contract to a player who signed a contract October last year and has 3 years left on that contact?




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16 Jul 2024 20:22:29
Rumours based Myko not being at the Ireland training camp! I wonder if he was given an extra week holiday as he was at the Euros? Load of bull in my opinion.




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01 Jul 2024 18:49:45
we still need to sell before we buy we should get a pretty reasonable bid made for Onana the way he is playing at the moment I can see a fair few clubs putting in offers.




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19 Jun 2024 12:06:21
If the most of the current debt has been refinanced then we may be better off with operational cost plus any additional sponsorship would probably go to operational finances reducing liabilities and therefore improving our P&S. Things are looking better if you believe all the media but we are still not out of the woods.


{Ed002's Note - None of this matters in terms of what is required to be done by the end of the month.}



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17 Jun 2024 09:00:46
If reports you have seen are accurate GB, did we not raise £20m last week with the new Castor deal? Is this included in the reported shortfall?





sa90's banter replies


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19 Jul 2024 17:13:42
I disagree I don't think we will go into administration at all. For me there is too much of a loss from the parties that own the current debt for us to go into administration.




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10 Jul 2024 08:30:34
Cant remember the club coming out and saying they have decided Jason Philogene is a target and we have made a bid? So how do we know all the media speculation not just a load of bull.




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08 Jul 2024 14:44:59
I reckon 10th-15th would be a realistic position with top 10 considered as a good season based on our current squad.




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03 Jul 2024 17:42:01
calculated risk but if you don't have any money then you can't buy jack.




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24 Jun 2024 12:02:51
Sorry your being a bit harsh on GS as he said he hasn't had Kalvin Philips were a Pep has! KP makes a massive difference, just by having his name on the roster has made a significant impact to Peps MC team!




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