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25 Jul 2024 21:44:45
All this discussion about Branthwaite's wage demands is just talk.
United may have talked to his agent and discussed a figure of 160k a week. They then come to Everton with low bids of 35M and 50M. Everton have the right to demand what they want which we are led to believe is 70M. Providing Everton hold firm to this amount and United are unwilling to pay that then the wage of 160k a week is just irrelevant because he is not a United player. Having said if Everton want to keep Braithwaite they eventually have to pay him whatever the market dictates. I don't see why Everton and Braithwaite can't come to an agreement to benefit both parties, he can always leave next season if a club is willing to pay the amount Everton want.

{Ed025's Note - very true Mike..

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26 Jul 2024 20:43:25
Seems to me that the papers are doing everything they can to get the lad to Utd.

25 Jul 2024 21:43:09
Looking forward to seeing Dixon play again. Hopefully he can show enough in pre season to stake a claim for the first team squad.

Would be great to see a full back with a bit of industry and pace about him again.

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25 Jul 2024 23:58:01
I like Roman Dixon. Saw him in an U21 game. His speed is ridiculous and he can breeze past midfielders and full backs when he's attacking.

26 Jul 2024 20:44:05
Has Dyche given the lad a go yet?

25 Jul 2024 21:41:20
Think maybe we should stop jumping the gun with this JB talk.

We all know how much utter s*** the rags talk in general, let alone when it comes to sticking the knife in on us.

If he doesn't sign, we are still in a healthy position on his deal and if he has another decent season, we will still be able to command a very decent fee.

It is going to be hard to find a replacement that is at the same level that he is without paying a silly fee.

I think he should be brought up to the same level as the top earners at the club, as that is what the level of his performances deserve.

160 is steep and probably a stretch to far for us and the position we are in. Offer him 100k/ 120k and if that doesn't show him how much we value him or doesn't meet his requirements, then we should tell him we are keeping him for the season and sell him for a healthy profit in next summers window.

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24 Jul 2024 10:46:33
Got a ticket for the first home game ? UTFT.

{Ed025's Note - nice one..

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24 Jul 2024 21:18:22
I tried to get one but they were sold out. Must have happened fairly quickly as they went on sale yesterday to season ticket holders and today to members. Opened at 10 but gone by 10:15 when I was out of the online queue. Crazy!

I’ve opted for tickets to the Roma game so I can take my 6 year old for his first experience of the old lady before she’s knocked down.

24 Jul 2024 22:46:50
We still playing Roma?

25 Jul 2024 08:40:23
Now that, s interesting.

25 Jul 2024 11:13:06
I’m off to Coventry with the lad on Tuesday night, hoping to see Lindstrom by then.

25 Jul 2024 12:29:31
Let us know how the players are shaping up mate.

21 Jul 2024 22:37:53

What do you think happens now.

{Ed025's Note - im not really sure Bretto, i dont think we are dead in the water though mate and someone will come in with another bid, administration would be a major kick in the teeth and put us on the back foot again so im hoping it doesn,t come down to that..

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22 Jul 2024 07:28:20
I’m hoping the fact that too many parties could lose investment would mean that administration is not likely. Could be few busy days.

22 Jul 2024 08:01:21
Ye agree ed . Moshri put us in such mess.

{Ed025's Note - hes supposed to be a top accountant Bretto, i cant believe that someone with his financial background could let this club get in such a mess mate, i wouldn,t put him in charge of making a jelly..

22 Jul 2024 10:17:15
Think Moshiri needs to give his head a wobble and not his jelly Ed mate ??.

22 Jul 2024 17:50:47
Game of poker now ed. All about who blinks first.

{Ed025's Note - i think you are right Brass, its all high powered negotiations now i think mate, to and froing and a bluff here and there i expect...it will probably end with the bid going to the one who can piss the highest up the wall.. :)

24 Jul 2024 03:56:51
I can't believe that it's taking so long. Even if it costs close to a billion, in todays business world that's not huge.

New owners will get BMD, loyal fans to fill it every game and a decent core group of players to build on. Within five years we would be challenging top 5 with the right owners. That's when the big money starts pouring in through sponsorship and corporate business.

Do you think we could raise a billion with a go fund me page ?


24 Jul 2024 09:15:03
Probably quicker than it’s taking to actually sell the club WT yes.

19 Jul 2024 11:22:02
The takeover is OFF. Typical Everton. Nothing goes right for us. Not sure where this leaves us now. Just when you thought things were going in the right direction.

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19 Jul 2024 11:25:04
Back to the Arabs next, I think!

19 Jul 2024 18:43:37
Martians, Venusians, Plutonians. Please make contact. You will be welcomed.

20 Jul 2024 09:02:31
Freidkin isn't a novice in business, he obviously knew of ALL the problems within the accounts/ loans before he put a single penny into the club.

He is looking at getting the club on the cheap. Pulling out will have left Moshiri with a choice. go into administration or sell to Freidkin at a lower price.

Hold your nerve and give it a few weeks.


20 Jul 2024 10:21:28
Hope so WT. we need rid of Moshiri and the disaster that has been his tenure. If we get out of this mess with a new stadium that we own and clear way out of financial difficulty then I will be amazed and delighted.

21 Jul 2024 11:17:36
American's putting the squeeze on me thinks.

21 Jul 2024 12:41:16
Agree Brass.

18 Jul 2024 09:52:26
Loads of reports saying we are to signing Jesper Lindstrom is he a winger does anyone know.

{Ed025's Note - what i have read GB is that he can play on the wing or as a playmaker in midfield mate, had a bit of a nightmare under Conte last season but we think there is a player in there mate..

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18 Jul 2024 10:54:01
Having a bad season doesn't concern me too much, he is still relatively young.
Coutinho was struggling at Inter Milan before he signed for Liverpool and look at the impact he had there?.

18 Jul 2024 12:32:59
Lots of players struggle playing for Conte. Hopefully that was just a blip in the lads career. Think I would prefer him to Gnoto.

18 Jul 2024 12:00:19
Cheers Ed mate and as DuaneyBoy says that’s not a problem, seems just to sort of player we are after young and ready for a new challenge eh.

{Ed025's Note - i hope so mate..

18 Jul 2024 15:46:49
Did Conte manage Napoli last season?
Looks like the lad had a couple of good seasons prior, and I guess that’s why Napoli splashed out on him. His reel on Yourube looks promising, quick, tricky, likes a shot on goal. Get him in!

18 Jul 2024 21:46:29
From what I’ve seen Ed he only amassed just over 400 mins under Conte after a good season at Frankfurt
Hopefully we get the Frankfurt version.

{Ed025's Note - lets hope so ST, sometimes a guy just fits a club, lets hope its him with us mate..

18 Jul 2024 23:22:26
He looks fast as… hopefully the others can keep up!

24 Jul 2024 08:08:35
Don’t be fooled by what you see on YouTube - there’s even a showreel clip of Holgate which makes it look like he can defend.

17 Jul 2024 11:21:10
Quite laughable, man united offer 35 million for Branthwaite, and refuse to match our valuation, yet they think nothing of spending 50 million on an Yoro, an 18 Yr old, unproven in the premiership! Seems they have no respect for us and clearly think we're desperate!

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17 Jul 2024 15:54:22
Not sure why your quoting our original bid but we've since gone up to £45m initial for branthwaite more than the £42 initial for yoro.

As for no respect couldn't you say Everton aren't showing united any either by just expecting us to fork over whatever feels you want?

Stop taking it so personal, your struggling ATM, clubs will try to take advantage. like clubs did with us when we'd pay any fee. Doubt complained when we forked over nearly £30m for fellaini when we could have signed him for nearly half that a week earlier.

There seem to be more add-ons on the Yoro deal but that's a completed deal that was negotiated and agreed over time, the Branthwaite bids have been offers which have been rejected.

I'm sure Everton would get more not only in initial fee but also more than the current £5m in addons with just a little negotiation.

Eventually i think we'll offer somewhere around £50-55m + £5-10m addons and deal will be done maybe we could bring the feet down 10-15m by offering Hannibal or pellistri or some other players.

I know it's horrible losing players but 50 odd mil will go along way to giving you a better overall squad.

{Ed002's Note - It is nothing to do with Liverpool.}

17 Jul 2024 16:11:16
They know our money problems so tried it on. M sure we would do the same if we thought we could get a top class player for less.

Does seem crazy they can spend that much money on a teenager who has not played in the prem. only time will tell if it was good business.

17 Jul 2024 16:55:35
I'm a united fan ed.

17 Jul 2024 18:37:25
Now there's a surprise.

17 Jul 2024 20:06:43
The arrogance of both United as a club, and their fans, is quite comical. Dbrooks, why should we show respect when such derisory offers have been made? Are we meant to bend over for you lot just because you were a good team and good club once upon a time? Get real mate.
A club has every right to put a price tag on their players, it's up to the club who wants to buy to make an offer that would be deemed acceptable. You haven't done that in either bid have you?
And then to offer such crazy cash for an 18 year old with no experience in this league and compare the two is just as ridiculous as the thought we should just let you sign him for whatever price you want! Absolute comedy gold. For the record, your 2nd bid was still nowhere near an acceptable bid for a young, quality, English talent. You can keep your sh*te as well, Hannibal for 10 or 15m ?
We no longer need to sell JB so your low ball offer, which was made as you thought we wouldn't be able to turn down, was given the respect it deserved. We tossed it out. Let's not pretend you were doing us a favour with that offer, it was ridiculous to the extreme. Especially coming from a club that splurged silly cash on HMc and Anthony!
Everton probably will negotiate but you lot need to come in with a good offer, not the crap that has been on the table so far. For the record, since we don't have to sell this season, the only way we will come back to that table is if the lad puts in a transfer request. I do t think him or his agent are agitating for a move so that doesn't look likely at this point. I expect him to stay for another season and then move on to a club that will pay what we want. Let's be honest, he will ha e better twams to choose from than just your lot when the time comes.

{Ed025's Note - great reply BP, well done mate..

17 Jul 2024 20:49:32
That's what I said, blue potato but in less words ?.

17 Jul 2024 21:09:34
Cheers, Ed, they really are getting on me nerves over this. It's the same for all clubs wanting to buy players from another team. Put up or shut up, it really is that simple! But, hey ho, they did pay 15m more than they needed to for the big wig a few seasons back so maybe we should help them out a bit? I mean, they could have got him half price a while before, what was that down to? Either they really like EFC to double the price for us or was it just their own incompetence from their board? Depends who you ask, apparently!
Sorry, TT, I did repeat a lot of what you said there. Tbh I did forget what the OP was after reading the utd perspective and just had to reply to him!

17 Jul 2024 21:17:06
BP, did I say the first offer was a fair offer? (What did you expect before you'd fulfilled your PSR before June 30th? ) Did I say the second was a fair offer? (it was probably where we should have started) did I say we were trying to do you a favour? (Why would we? )

Also was I the one comparing the 2 players or were you lot comparing the 2 to say our offer was rubbish? In fact I think I pointed out we should and I expect will offer more but had Everton negotiated that would probably have already been done, and you could be spending the money.

Its fair to have your valuation and stick by it but even with us being crap, and I mean no disrespect wether you take it or not, we are still a step up from you.

You say I want you to let us have him for whatever fee we want, we've already checked and I've said 2 offers weren't good enough and I've given a price range of £55-65m that would be about negtiation, i'd expect it to be closer to £65m total package.

Everton fans keep bringing up other transfers Antony, Maguire, these were under a different leadership and are commonly regarded as ridiculous, your even calling them ridiculous when bringing it up so what bearing does it have on anything?

Also I agree I don't expect him to push for the move and I wouldn't want him to but I do think he'd make it clear to Everton he'd like the move could they try and work things out, and he'd a kept if they did or didn't.

As for slagging off Hannibal and Pellistri as ideas didn't you buy Garner off us? Didn't he play a lot of games for you the end of last season? At the end of the day these were just suggestions you might want some one else or no one.

And your right other clubs might want him next year. like Madrid. maybe they can convince him to see our his contract for that extra year and join them on a free like they seem fond of doing ATM?

That would be respectful wouldn't it?

Again I wasn't being ridiculous or outrageous in what I said, I said the 2 sides should come to a fair agreement for both and as quick as possible so both teams can make the most of it rather than dragging it out until the seasons started that benefits neither of us.

17 Jul 2024 21:34:28

We don't want to sell nor need to! So why should we come to some agreement, they have stated the valuation, even match it or jog on.

The situation only changes if Jarrad starts playing up! .

You say you have a new regime and ownership, well so have we, not our fault you have spunked millions on flops just like we have, only difference is we can't keep blowing hundreds of millions each summer trying to get it right, because guess what PSR restricts some clubs!

Concentrate on getting ya proxy roof sorted out and stop moaning about other teams valuations that you don't after meet if you don't think it is your valuation, quite simple really pal.

17 Jul 2024 21:52:13
So let's say you could get £65m total package by negotiatiting the seal now but you decide not to and in the end we make the offer with 2/ 3 weeks or maybe less left in the window and you get your £70m package.

Which would be better?

Also players don't have to play up, clubs do what is best for themselves and the player, he can tell them he'd like a move without "playing up" they are professionals not children

And I believe they've done work on the dodgy roof to patch it up for now, hopefully we'll also be getting a new stadium in years to come :)

17 Jul 2024 22:16:40
I would tell Utd that they have until the beginning of August to match our valuation otherwise the valuation goes up due to the lack of time we have to find a suitable offer.

Throw it back to you, he is your number one target you know the valuation, run risk of not getting him nor others due to not meeting like you did with Frankie De Jong.

Radcliffe is trying to do the rebuild on the cheap simple, just like his cap in hand Wembley of the north let's build man Utd a new stadium via taxpayers day after buying into them, it's your club that more than any other changed the landscape of transfer fees and wages in the premiership and wrongly are allowed. To spend spend spend again. Too right we are demanding every last penny off you lot, you after pay up do ya.

17 Jul 2024 22:28:44
Oh so you would be doing us a favour?
Jog on you arrogant fool.

17 Jul 2024 22:48:11
Mocker sounds like you need to be angry at moshiri and your execs rather than our new board mate.

As for psr you shouldn't be mad at it, more that it's not been implemented sooner, imagine the situation they might have got you in without it.

Hopefully you get squared up with your new owner and ours can do the same for us.

18 Jul 2024 03:04:33
Not sure what your angle is here at all, do you want us all to reply that you're right and we should be grateful that JR has rode into town with his copper jar in hand? I don't really care which way you spin it, if you want to buy one of the best English young talents in the league then you have to pay accordingly. In this case, the valuation is considerably more than the two offers that have been rejected. If you don't want to pay that amount then you move on to other targets. It really is that simple.
Now, as for 'we could be spending the money' had we negotiated with utd. You make it out that any cash you are willing to pay (and not our own valuation) should be gratefully received, like you're doing us a favour! Hilarious.
It's your own fault that you overpaid on the players you mentioned but that doesn't mean you can now dictate the market to suit what you will pay for players. If you don't pay the going rate then you will end up buying your 2nd or 3rd choice and we will all watch you plummet down the league.
Thanks for giving us your price range but it's us that dictate that, you can check that if you like. You've just spent 40m+ on an untested kid and you have other positions to fill. Do you really think utd will spend around 100m on 2 cb's? With the way your new man wants to be so thrifty with his pennies? Highly doubtful and the reality is that you will have to sell some players yourself to fund such a rebuild.
Not too sure what Garner has to do with Hannibal and the other you mention? Garner had a great season for Forest before we bought him so we knew he was a decent player. Have those two players been good on loan? If so, at what level? If they had been ripping up trees on loan then Why aren't they fighting for a spot with you?
As for Madrid coming in next season to snap up JB on a free transfer, that is the most ridiculous thing you have posted thus far. I will bet you anything you like it won't happen! I think you'll find that he is under contract until 2027. So I will agree with you there, it would be very disrespectful for them to attempt to get him for free when his valuation would have risen again.
I will have to respectfully disagree on your last point. You are indeed being ridiculous and totally outrageous by telling is that it's for our benefit to sort this out sooner rather than later. A fair agreement has been there from the very start. You bid 70m and the player will have a choice to make. Everton aren't dragging this out in any shape or form, we've told you the price so either put up or shut up. Again, it really is that simple, why are you failing to grasp this fact?

18 Jul 2024 13:26:47
It's like Les Dawson's old women down the post office this.

18 Jul 2024 21:57:22
I actually feel sorry for United fans right now, always delusional that they are still the great club from the Ferguson days whereas we support our team through thick and thin and know we are in a transition stage under new owners
And soon to have the nice new BMD to play in rather than the leaking theatre of streams sorry dreams actually no streams is definitely more appropriate
Anyway, we don’t want or need to sell so jog on.

19 Jul 2024 00:05:50
How can you be so entitled as a fan to say it’s disrespectful for a club not to sell you one of their contracted players at the price you want ???.

19 Jul 2024 11:44:47
Still not need money lads? Spent along time slagging me off for suggesting you negotiate (and negotiate does not mean bend over like you all seem to think it does) a deal maybe it was a good idea after all ;)

19 Jul 2024 20:57:42
Why would we still need money? There are other interested parties that wanted to talk before the exclusivity deal with the fella from roma.
Pay the price or jog on, still same as the replies above. Your arrogance has been proven with your last post, absolute clowns you utd fans. We will sell him to a decent club who pays the proper rate, like your neighbours. Why would he want utd when he can have his pick of teams next season? Be as smug as you like but nothing has changed even with the takeover not happening. The June deadline has gone, do you not realise that?

19 Jul 2024 20:58:25
Bit rich coming from you, fbs!

19 Jul 2024 20:11:27
End of the day: we have a player we value at £70m+ and Utd offered half that then a little more. The only people playing games are Utd with low ball offers. It’s not down to Everton to release him so he can get a good preseason or settling in with Utd. He’s our asset and we aren’t interested in letting him go for less than the market value.

You wouldn’t go into a car dealership and offer to buy the car for half price would you?

You wouldn’t call up a mobile phone company and expect to buy the latest model for half price just because you offered that.

If Utd don’t want to try and come close to our valuation then we would be fools to just say yes. Even Ed02 said the price should be around £60-£65m and he knows the market better than us.

This whole thread is a storm in a tea cup. The suggestion by anyone, blue or not, that it is in the best interest in the clubs and player to let him go for less is daft. Utd tried to play silly beggars with the first bid but the second bid isn’t much better. If they want him, they are not doing us a favour by doing their business in such a way.

Non-story. We’ve provided players to clubs who have gone on to be great success for them and I don’t think we have ever been unreasonable in our evaluation.

20 Jul 2024 11:02:58
BR24-24 spot on mate I didn't say sell him for cheap any point I reckon £55m + 10m bonuses will end up being the deal and I said that in every post.

My points been it's better for both clubs to just get it done asap negotiate rather than dropping daft offers or saying no £75m or nothing.

Also yes the first offer was stupid low but was always going to be when you were still struggling with psr and we were always going to be close to our psr as well. It seems to have caused a lot of bad blood from Everton fans but sadly that's how things are don't be annoyed with us for thinking we can get the player that cheap. Be annoyed with your owners who've put you in a situation where clubs think they can get players off you on the cheap, like we were always annoyed with our owners not the clubs for forking out daft sums no absolute cross.

Anyway I hope you guys get sorted I do think a deal will happen, things look dire atm and the big A word is about again sadly that's just another reason to do things now rather than waiting fees will be worse than even our first offer of it does and that's not just from united.

Hopefully that doesn't happen and you can get on an even foot, I'm not going to keep posting on here as I bet some people for some reason think I'm being arrogant, but look through the thread I haven't slagged Everton once unlike others.

Good luck next season.

20 Jul 2024 15:31:01
I’d say £60-65m with 5-10m add ons would do it.

Think being annoyed at Utd for low ball offers is just. Utd are taking the mick and unsettling a player with their approach. If they want him; make a decent offer. If Utd are willing to pay £50 on a 18 year old unproven defender then they could have spent closer to the asking price.

Thanks for the well wishes. We certainly hope the situation gets sorted and we can get back to challenging the rest of the league.

17 Jul 2024 09:29:42
I see the new Jersey is online. It is retailing at 131 euro. Not sure what that is in pound. That is daylight robbery. That's about 60euro more expensive than last seasons jersey. I have always bought the new home jersey every year as long as I can remember, not this year, I think that is an absolute ridiculous price to have to pay for a jersey.

{Ed025's Note - its scandalous ray..

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17 Jul 2024 09:41:30
£110 on website. Jeeze… at least Dick Turpin wore a mask!

17 Jul 2024 11:07:10
You don't have to wear a jersey to support your team, most of the money goes to the makers of the jersey and not the club, they are just taking advantage of football fans, don't fall for it just don't buy one.

17 Jul 2024 12:18:23
I get that. But it was my birthday yesterday. I always get the jersey for my birthday. Its something I have always done. But I can't honestly justify spending that amount.

17 Jul 2024 12:22:39
Apologies. Replica shirt is only 90 euro, I was looking at the pro jersey which is 131.

17 Jul 2024 12:45:28
£75 for a replica shirt- still a lot of money, but the going rate I'm afraid. Some of the training gear is nice.

17 Jul 2024 18:40:57
Where's my pen and paper? Tarks can I have your shirt!

19 Jul 2024 07:07:04
The shape I’m in, I’d only be able to fit into one of Southall’s kits. Not that I’m complaining; the guy is my favourite keeper of all time.

16 Jul 2024 20:57:23
Someone on Leeds page has said they should ask for Maupay as part of any Gnotto transfer. Think the article was wrote by a K. Thirwell.

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16 Jul 2024 21:16:36
He’d probably do well in the Championship. Not sure Leeds would want to pay his wages though.

{Ed025's Note - neither do we JB.. :)

16 Jul 2024 22:07:57
True enough Ed!

17 Jul 2024 18:43:24
How about Keane, Holgate and Maupay plus 20m. Would work for me.

16 Jul 2024 20:30:15
How about 10m and Maupay for Gnoto?

{Ed025's Note - you can double that if we saddle them with Maupay NFM..

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