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08 Apr 2024 13:18:02
Potter has turned down Ajax. Obviously got something lined up for summer.

Us, Utd, England?.


1.) 08 Apr 2024 15:38:07
Not us not England. Why Ajax? He's got to get this next one right or he does untold damage to his career. Also he got £12m from Chelsea so he can keep the heating on a little longer. I wonder if Howe will get the bullet in summer ?.

2.) 08 Apr 2024 16:07:23
Won't be us FBS agree, tho England strong possibility if Southgate as touted goes to Utd.

Thought all along Howe goes this summer and obvious candidate for us and the England job.

Don't think we get either for now.

3.) 08 Apr 2024 16:53:20
Southgate to Utd makes me laugh. We are stuck with alladyche until his contract runs out.

4.) 08 Apr 2024 17:27:13
You know Potter has tasted the “ high life” and apart from becoming a multi millionaire (only football) , it didn’t turn out to well. He might just fancy the challenge if we stay in the Prem that is.

5.) 08 Apr 2024 18:26:36
He’ll find someone much more attractive than us at the moment. We are a mess. No one is wanting to touch us with a barge pole. We can’t get sponsors, players or even a buyer. It’s just crazy.

Potter will guide his time until someone else is promoted somewhere and he’ll take a job there. West Ham, Villa, Newcastle… he’ll take something like that.

Why come to a club where the owner is clueless and the new potential owners are disliked at their other clubs.

6.) 08 Apr 2024 19:34:52
Graham Potter’s been found out in England. I’d rather have Dyche.

{Ed025's Note - your right Peter, we wouldn,t want to play like the Brighton side of 2 years ago mate.. :)

7.) 09 Apr 2024 17:04:33
Is Howe genuinely under pressure? Sure I read he was an Everton fan, that might just be a lie though.

{Ed001's Note - he is and he is. Very much an Everton fan.}

8.) 10 Apr 2024 09:32:54
…. thing is Potter left 2 years ago and they were playing much the same, probably better. I’ve never understood the Potter fascination. With what we have at our disposal there’s no way we could play the same as Brighton 2 years ago anyway. I think Brightons set up behind the scenes is what we should be looking towards, not the ex manager that has been found out at this level (Chelsea)

{Ed002's Note - All of the staff left.}




Mocker77123's banter posts with other poster's replies to Mocker77123's banter posts


11 Jul 2024
New image uploaded to the
Everton Player Sightings page entitled,

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1.) 11 Jul 2024 21:15:36
Brilliant ??.

2.) 11 Jul 2024 22:19:56
Very good.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 05:58:15
? ? ?.

4.) 12 Jul 2024 07:08:27



02 Jul 2024 17:34:03
Hoping this doesn't turn into a summer of missed opportunities on the transfer front. Seemed to be linked to some decent youngsters last week, but all going abit quiet, early days I know. Hopefully Ndiaye signing will be announced soon.


{Ed025's Note - it will be Mocker..

1.) 02 Jul 2024 17:45:39
Hopefully they might announce it with a couple of others?

Hoping we don't miss out on Philogene at Hull Ed, Barcelona apparently sniffing so not confident same with young CB at Peterborough Ronnie Edwards, highly thought of but plenty interest.

Guessing Onana potentially going is key to our targets, now out of Euro's may see couple in soon.

{Ed025's Note - yeah mocker i think Onana will go mate...and possibly Jarrad, it will open the way for us to go on a bit of a spending spree hopefully and lets hope we buy sensibly and move forward hey,

2.) 02 Jul 2024 18:21:10
Would be nice Ed?. Onana will go, Jarrad not so sure Ed especially if Utd get De Ligt in from Bayern.

Be more happy for Jarrad to stay unless someone comes in with crazy money or he wants out. Got a young striker in from Striker, nice seeing us trying to get some youth in opposed to letting them go.

{Ed025's Note - im hearing that he does want the move Mocker, i would like him to stay of course but if his heart is not in it then personally i would sell mate..

3.) 02 Jul 2024 19:41:08
Yeah that's the worry Ed. The young striker is from Arsenal that should have said.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 20:22:50
If you said 12 months ago you’d get 12 million for Jarrod after an average euros you’d be running to the bank. Take the money.

5.) 02 Jul 2024 20:49:52
But he ain't played in Euro's Ocean? ?.

Are you saying sell Branthwaite for £12 million, surely not! ? Bit confused sorry.

6.) 02 Jul 2024 21:29:13
£70 million I mean and season not euros think I’ve had one too many.

7.) 02 Jul 2024 22:38:23
And I meant average season at psv not us where he has been excellent.

8.) 03 Jul 2024 06:52:45
Lol ok Ocean been there mate. ?. Think if and around £70 million we will accept, big money and profit. Love to keep him but if any inkling wants out then so be it, as you say his form could dip but am hopeful that his trajectory goes sky high wearing the Everton jersey. ??.



27 Jun 2024
New image uploaded to the
Everton Player Sightings page entitled,

Click picture for larger image




08 Jun 2024 10:30:32
Dare to dream! ??.


1.) 08 Jun 2024 12:04:27
It’s reality mate, at least 5 potential buyers at this moment, Everton must have potential for good investment.

2.) 08 Jun 2024 13:04:51
Not sure potential for good investment with the amount of debt the club currently has.

Just hope fans are realistic that there will be no quick fix and it’ll take several years to sort the mess we are in out whomever takes us over.

3.) 08 Jun 2024 13:33:39
Yeah who in their right mind wants to invest in a history rich football giant with a brand new stadium months away from completion that's never been anything but a Premier League mainstay, in the world's biggest, best and richest league with a massive TV deal and future growth expected to go through the f****in roof? Madness eh? With even the published debts and total expenses is available for a song? Jog on sunshine.

4.) 08 Jun 2024 13:42:41
Happy for it just to be starting the sorting out GD.

Bit of hope and positive news reporting makes a change mate.

5.) 08 Jun 2024 14:01:24
Exactly Mocker mate good news but won’t be long before someone on here says the opposite eh.



02 Jun 2024 21:56:33
Sam matterface on Talk****.

"Braithwaite, DCL and Pickford will go this summer for £70 million possibly £80 million".


Can't wait for a time when we truly can stick 2 fingers up to them and the rest of media.


1.) 03 Jun 2024 00:19:26
He didn't say that. Watch the YT vid and delete this nonsense.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 01:23:15
"Sam Matterface lists which players Everton must sell to avoid further. "

Type that into YT and you will find the OP isn't talking nonsense and doesn't need to delete anything. It's about half way through as they are talking about player valuations, he says DCL will go, JB will go and probably Pickford. They guess at figures for each player and the total raised.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 02:22:17
Only time will tell who stays and who goes. If Textor can buy us from FM then the ship will be steadied immediately.
Personally I would take a points deduction and not sell any of our biggest assets in the summer.

4.) 03 Jun 2024 05:43:45
Exactly what he said FBS, word for word! No nonsense perhaps listen properly.

5.) 03 Jun 2024 10:48:21
Perry groves says his list of players and fees he imagines we'd get. Sam Matter face says and I quote "so you reckon they'll get something like £70 to £80million do you? " End quote. It's really the small details that make a big difference. Try listening again is my advice. Crikey.

6.) 03 Jun 2024 11:04:23
Matterface "Braithwaite will go, Calvert Lewin will go, probably Pickford" Groves "normally you would get £100million for Branthwaite and Pickford, they ain't getting anywhere near that" Matterface "Theyll probably get 70million perhaps £80millipn, you reckon? "

The fact is FBS between both of them they think we will get £70-80 million combined for all 3!. They also think Tarkowski would go for £20-25million (only age prevents this! ) and We will lose money on Onana/ at a push get our money back.

7.) 03 Jun 2024 11:26:06
Changes the complexion of the reported quote some what eh?

8.) 03 Jun 2024 11:42:57
Not at all FBS, just confirms it!

Matterface states this and asks Groves if agrees or is that how much he thinks we will get.

Regardless it wasn't "nonsense" was it when those figures were brandished by Matterface for all 3.

9.) 03 Jun 2024 11:58:04
Understanding the difference between a question and a. Oh never mind. Clearly pointless pointing out the fundamentals. Have a nice day. I rest my case your honour.

10.) 03 Jun 2024 15:10:16
Mocker, can you please ensure that the opening line of your post is 100% correct before pressing the send button please? And, in future, maybe type out the entire transcript so certain posters don't get their undercrackers in a twist! If you ask nicely, they might give you their own email address so you can run future posts by them before posting on here. Thanks in advance mate ??.

11.) 03 Jun 2024 17:09:08
Haha no worries bluepotato will do my best ???.

12.) 03 Jun 2024 18:03:28
What's the Mark Twain quote?

13.) 04 Jun 2024 07:37:59
There's a quote from Carl Sagan which pretty much sums it up.

14.) 04 Jun 2024 09:56:40
Jesus why are you all worried what the players sell for, it's not your money and I'm sure they will sell for what is fair or what they have to, no point arguing over something that's out of your control, I'm past worrying, will just sit and watch what happens, plus what the media say and what really happens are 2 different things.

15.) 04 Jun 2024 10:46:58
Jerry Jerry Jerry ?.

16.) 04 Jun 2024 11:48:52
Excellent Andy ?????.




Mocker77123's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 19:48:56

I get the logic mate, but we are trying to get ourselves on a even kneel, we can't afford to pay top 4 wages that's the reality, then for example Pickford or DCL etc coming knocking if have a decent season.

The problem is rightly or wrongly Man Utd stating what they pay, I know it ain't breaking any rules and we will have been guilty of it ourselves but BR stated in his post this is getting stupid, contracts mean nothing, we all know no loyalty in football, would be nice for players to actually come out and commit and say I've a contract I will honour it, mate he is 22 70k PW, not just him but football in general, something has to give and as BR states how can teams compete or hope to build, what happens say we give him the 160k and he gets too comfy and form effort totally drops off, like for example rashford or a Pogba once they got their bumper rise, doesn't seem the type Jarrad but it's the agents and greed that have taken over football, it's no good for football and I say that as a football fan not just a Everton one.




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25 Jul 2024 18:07:09
& What effect will that have on other squad members who believe they deserve parity? Or any potential future signings demands?

Agree makes since to tie him down but no one is bigger than the club, if he is on £70pw and asking £160k PW then think £120k take or leave, the tail can't wag the dog, let's be fair he is 22 had 1 very good season and I fully expect to kick on again (if his head and hearts in EFC) but does it justify a 90k payrise and potential unrest in squad after the predicament the club has been in, just hope those ain't making noise too much.




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25 Jul 2024 14:02:23
Yeah totally get that bunkbeds, but totally different scenario we are talking tens of thousands per week not £300-400.

I'd like to think if I was happy and those around me I would commit and help the club/ work, but easy to say when not in that predicament nor have any alliance to the club.

He doesn't sign his value will plummet next summer. Bang on comment from EFCONE in regards them being allowed to offer terms whilst still under contract to us, happens all time tho.




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25 Jul 2024 13:01:00
Would you tbf? Best ask his agent GB. The player has all the power mate, even tho still has few years on his contract we run risk of him running his contract down or sulking.

Modern day football for you. Sheer greed.




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16 Jul 2024 20:14:17
Graham potter imo. Purely as he is available and not tied into a long contract like Howe.

Wouldn't be opposed to Carsley, doubt he gets a look in tho.





Mocker77123's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 20:45:16
Moshiri would be sat there with 2,7 off suit Ed ????.


{Ed025's Note - i just hope someone goes all in on him mate..



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25 Jul 2024 20:31:21
Exactly Ed. No one is bigger than the club however talented.


{Ed025's Note - spot on Mocker mate..



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25 Jul 2024 19:50:26
Exactly what I said GB. Weeks ago once this started to unfold. The danger was him always sulking and getting unsettled.


{Ed025's Note - i would call his and his agent bluff myself Mocker..



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25 Jul 2024 18:15:10
Yep can't argue too much on Murillo Notts, best in world maybe stretching it but excellent player didn't see him enough but what I did seen no arguments that you have a top talent like us on your books that unfortunately will be snapped up by in near future.




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24 Jul 2024 18:21:48
I know Bobby Martin. it's Gnonto far hasn't it?. (I used the same joke last summer too, ? ??) .




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