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30 Mar 2024 16:59:50
Never been so embarrassed being a EFC fan as I have been this afternoon. And that's saying something. Get this abject loser out for pitys sake. His little clan of yes men will still stand up for him because they like his press conferences. Arggggghhhhhh!

Formerly Brown shoes

{Ed025's Note - never a truer word said FBS..



20 Feb 2024 11:22:52
And so finally it seems that the big wake up and realise has finally happened. Glad to see some of your have finally opened your eyes. What a mess.

Formerly Brown shoes

1.) 20 Feb 2024 19:04:45
Yep the toilets in the paddock are a bit nasty.

2.) 20 Feb 2024 23:11:56
Some context would be good or is it am open comment.



10 Aug 2023 18:33:45
I know he's never won any popularity contests and some of the spurs fans I know always want more. Buy what a beast that Daniel Levy is. I know he's not the owner and only the general manager of the spurs business but wow. He does not fuche about. Remarkable that before FM arrived we were the club looming over their shoulder putting pressure on their top 6 aspirations. It's a measure of how far we've fallen. If Kane goes or not, that's how you run a club. Iron fist and giants balls of steel. Respect is due because for years I thought he was a lunatic.

Formerly Brown shoes

1.) 10 Aug 2023 20:51:29
And yet not a Trophy in sight.

2.) 10 Aug 2023 21:39:08
I have no respect for him. He’s a horrid chairman who doesn’t show much respect to other clubs. Rips other clubs off and holds players to ransom…

I’d still take him over Bill and Moshiri though.

3.) 10 Aug 2023 21:59:22
No cups but neither a series of relegation battles. I know which regime I'd rather have.



16 Apr 2023 17:59:37
It's pretty common place that players current deals are slashed 50% wage wise if relegated. I guess the championship level ones like Tom Davis will hang about but everyone will be off even if it means somewhere less fashionable like Turkey, so long as it's top flight or even European cup football level they'll go. Only the English guys will be bothered about going abroad as per culture unless the young ones go as they're more adventurous than older guys. The club will also take every penny offered so it'll be a mass fire sale. Will truly hobble us financially with loss TV money loss premier league position money if we also survived next season. Loss transfer fees for the few big hitters. Forget 60m for Pickford. He'd be off for about 20 if we sink. There is no positive to relegation. We'd be better off finishing 17th on the last day every season for the next decade than going down once. We'd not come back up as champions as that league is far stronger than you think (maybe lucky to get back via play offs but doubt it) . We'd have kids as we'd not only face an exodus, we'd face the wrath of these ffp charges and may end up with transfer ban if lucky or worse a ban and a points deduction. Even a paltry 10 point deduction would doom us to being out of the promotion race. We may very well do a Wigan and be forced to play our u23s and sink to L1. Anyone trying to kidology themselves with talk of relegations positives are seriously deluded. We need to stay in this league by any means necessary. Bigger clubs who go down every decade like Wham and Newcastle have a yo yo reputation. We don't have that and that's why the neutral is smirking and wanting to see the car crash. Remember Coventry? I'm sure the delusional fans who spent about 25 years of battling relegation every year also said it'll be a blessing in disguise. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't say that now. The saving our top flight status is vital. If we do there really needs to be a serious question over who takes us forward and deals with the squad this summer. I don't see SD being trusted to do it. This mess is going to define the club the for a long long time. We are not going to be seeing good times for a generation.

Formerly Brown shoes

1.) 16 Apr 2023 18:32:28
Why don't you trust Dyche? as someone recently posted you can't polish a turd.

2.) 16 Apr 2023 18:37:53
A fair analogy.

3.) 16 Apr 2023 19:56:14
What makes you think stone cold has the skills to turn us around? Did you guys not say the exact same thing about frank in November when a few of us wanted him out. This will be the same with Sean yous want him now and want to give him time then in a couple of months the same guys who are singing his praises will want him out. It’s a bit embarrassing really I do not see the point in it. If he isn’t good enough get him out now why wait like we did with Frank. Guys on here wanted frank out before World Cup started in November and everyone on here said that’s ridiculous including the Ed give frank time a few seasons you said, now the same people are saying keep Dyche and we should have brought Dyche in before the World Cup started. If our boardroom is like this site which I think it is then we are doomed. Keep lamps then 2 months later we should have got rid of lamps seriously what’s happening here?

4.) 16 Apr 2023 20:35:57
“Yous” l’is this an old poster back with a different name this time?
Similar theme to that previous posters posts in negativity majority of the time.

5.) 16 Apr 2023 21:12:02
Interesting Joe the Goal when you weren't registered back in November.
Well not under this guise.

6.) 16 Apr 2023 21:13:59
So hire a manager then a couple of months later sack him. Yea that makes sense?

7.) 17 Apr 2023 06:39:04
Joe the goal, of course some wanted Lampard to have a chance, you do realize that EFC, since Moshiri arrived have been getting rid of managers like a bad Saturday night pint on a Sunday morning.
This sacking at the drop of a hat is not all it's cracked up to be, it kind of buggers up the works i. e. a manager has only just found out where he parks his car then to be told to clear his desk and then you have a very poor squad collectively, getting their heads around a new regime what seems like every 5 minutes to them maybe?
Oh, and you expect these guys to get an esprit de corps from all that?
I just want stability because what we have had these last few years is just madness.

8.) 17 Apr 2023 10:55:51
I want the manager to have a fair chance too but if the manager isn’t good enough what is the point of delaying the inevitable. Lampard should have been replaced in the summer. It was clear for anyone to see last season that lamps was a tube but we didn’t see it then in November it was slapping us in the face that lamps is an appalling manager did we change it no we didn’t we gave him 3 more horrible months before we acted. Now we are doing the same thing Dyche is a bad bad manager he only knows one way to play and it isn’t working but do we do anything about it no we haven’t got a clue the whole club fans included. It’s a very sad time to support Everton and if we go down then that could be the end of us. We are on our way to being the next Sunderland.

9.) 17 Apr 2023 11:50:25
I agree Lampard should have gone earlier however not in the summer and to be fair Joe only a crystal ball or Nostradamus could have predicted that FL was going to be that bad, as he ended the season on a high with the horizon looking bright as it were.
Getting rid of Frank Lampard then and replacing him with someone more worthy would have been a tough call for the best of PL boards IMO.
Personally I think given time SD will get it right with ''time'' being the keyword.

10.) 17 Apr 2023 18:07:09
He shouldn't have gone in the summer? He shouldn't have been anywhere near a Premier league club, and certainly not one the size of Everton
"Getting rid of Frank Lampard then and replacing him with someone more worthy would have been a tough call for the best of PL boards IMO" Are you serious? No other club bar the shambles that is Chelsea would have touched him
Why would any top club appoint someone with no Managerial experience? He failed at Derby. He failed at Chelsea. He had no right being in charge of your club. It was a recipe for disaster from day one
I think you will stay up and i hope you do. You couldn't have got anyone better in Dean Dyche. It's just a shame your board couldn't get him in sooner. Anyway, good luck. I hope it works out for you.

11.) 18 Apr 2023 07:49:43
Your post is unqualified tosh, and you obviously know nothing of the circumstances of Lampard while he was with Everton Football club.

12.) 17 Apr 2023 18:48:46
Yes deadly serious. . . There were no shouts for him to go in the summer only now do we get the 'get Lampard out before the season starts' from all the hindsight heroes, pathetic.
I am as pro Sean Dyche as they come on here so if that last bit was meant for me well you must be drunk matey.



14 Apr 2023 15:13:49
Someone with no name cleared today. He would be 33 now and probably at another club but he would have probably scored a few free-kicks and pens and set up some goals from set pieces. No refunds no discounts no compensation.

Formerly Brown shoes

1.) 14 Apr 2023 15:31:30
I wonder who he is ???.

2.) 14 Apr 2023 16:18:22
I am with FBS on this, a players reputation and career ruined.

3.) 14 Apr 2023 16:24:54
I said at the time he would not be charged and had it on good authority as so. Investigations have to happen but 2 years!

4.) 14 Apr 2023 16:55:31
He was very good at pointing.

5.) 14 Apr 2023 17:50:36
He never scored a free kick for us.

6.) 14 Apr 2023 19:18:21
Although didn't point in the right direction of exonerating evidence quick enough, it seems.

7.) 14 Apr 2023 19:39:26
Wonder if claim gone in to direct line? Totally wrong if as said he's proven innocent.

8.) 14 Apr 2023 19:59:28
The time taken to resolve this is utterly outrageous. None of the parties, however peripheral, have been well served by this.

9.) 14 Apr 2023 21:22:56
Try reading the post again Smudge.

10.) 15 Apr 2023 03:53:13
I really hope he now receives all the love and support to try to get his life back.
His professional career is ruined but will anybody face consequences over it. of course not.

11.) 15 Apr 2023 08:58:31
Not been cleared though has he?

There’s just not enough evidence to lead to a prosecution which is different to cleared.

All a mess and the length of time taken to get to this point is crazy.

{Ed001's Note - the issue was not if he did it. He admitted an offence. The whole question was whether he knew her age or not and that is the bit that can't really be proven.}

12.) 15 Apr 2023 12:57:13
Not sure if the lack of evidence for the cps to move forward doesn't mean he's innocent, whether he is or not we'll never know. But he's gone, and for me he didn't really hit the heights we hoped for. Not a real loss in my opinion.

13.) 15 Apr 2023 13:36:53
Presumed innocent unless proved otherwise. Ed he did not admit an offence, he admitted the contact but did not know her true age.

{Ed001's Note - sorry but you are incorrect, apart from your first sentence. He did admit to having sexual contact with an underage girl, that is still an offence and he could easily have ended up on the offenders register. Ignorance is not always an accepted defence.}

14.) 15 Apr 2023 17:05:45
Not what I was told. I said months ago he would not be charged.




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16 Jul 2024 23:52:08
He went to the euros and got injured maybe 2nd game? Didn't look a good one either but I didn't hear what the prognosis was.

Formerly Brown shoes



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16 Jul 2024 16:33:50
I'd swap SD 4 GS all day long. LEE C should get it as that's the structure but this is England and we'll make a mess of it and go for a hotshot. Expect all the big dogs to turn it down. Give LC the nations league as trials. But common sense is in short supply.

Formerly Brown shoes



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14 Jul 2024 17:25:24
Just to drop a fun bomb and step back and watch:
What would be the value of his motm performance in the Palace come back from 2 down at half time to win and seal the 3 points to secure another season in the EPL? Hmm? He. was pretty good in a few of those last games albeit from the bench on occasions.

Formerly Brown shoes



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14 Jul 2024 10:53:13
Was a crazy scenario. I can't imagine that the deal ever imagined us re signing him once the duration had elapsed. Obviously this was some sort of quirk. Glad to hear common sense has prevailed. And if the lads fit and the deal isn't crazy wages then he's more than welcome.

Formerly Brown shoes



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13 Jul 2024 12:26:28
Levy is a genius.

Formerly Brown shoes




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25 Jul 2024 10:01:17
Oh Ron
Not this old chestnut again? If you don't know then may I suggest a tiny start up company that seems to provide a. crazy sounding service of giving answers to any questions: Google it and save the rest of us from this. It's like tripping without the fun of the drugs.

Formerly Brown shoes



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20 Jul 2024 20:57:09
Hahahaha Get the England job oh my sides.

Formerly Brown shoes



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20 Jul 2024 15:18:21
Anyone seen Rob Lowe in "Beyond the candleabra"?

Formerly Brown shoes



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19 Jul 2024 17:30:14
Finally a post worth reading.
Yeah that's the interesting thing eh? What lies between the lines. I think a big fat game of billionaires cat and mouse is in the offing. If the financials were that bad then they'd have figured that out in seconds and long been down the road. The pie is waiting to be sliced up. It was always likely to me that too many people are involved to just get a clean buyout. The shares and assets will be owned by different investors and our board room will become a mess just like Arsenal+5 years ago. This was never getting done in few weeks as some had assumed. Think Xmas presents.

Formerly Brown shoes



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17 Jul 2024 15:53:24
Same as Brighton. Massive bars inside the stadium.

Formerly Brown shoes



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