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19 Jul 2024 11:17:37
Alan Myers claims Friedkin has pulled out of buying us? Any ed's got news of this?


{Ed002's Note - From a takeover standpoint another option will need to be considered as Friedkin has finally stepped back. The issue surrounds two lots of debt - the debt to 777 partners which is being chased down by A Cap who leant them the money, and the debt owed to the Moshiri for loans.}

1.) 19 Jul 2024 12:36:10
I’m assuming the money owed to 777 will be the biggest problem as it can’t just be paid back to them with all the legal issues currently around them.

Would imagine we need the legal issues with 777 sorted prior to any prospective owner coming on board - however from the little I’ve seen of the 777 issue don’t think this will be resolved any time soon.

There has been mention there is enough money for the club to operate in the short term, however not sure how long a period that will be?

Ed with your knowledge what do you think will happen now? Is a fire sale on the cards to generate revenue to keep club afloat? Is administration on the cards? Or is the club stable enough to ride this mess out? Sorry for the numerous questions.

{Ed002's Note - There are legal issues, but not just related to the 777 Partners financing which is now being chased down by A Cap. The total size of the debt is huge and it somehow needs to be restructured - it is certainly larger than the value of the club.

I think the option involving MSP, Andy Bell and George Downing was the best as I said before. Friedkin cleared the MSP debt and they are now looking at investment in another club. At this point in time Rights and Media Funding need to be spoken to as their debt is secured against assets including Goodison. One option could be to look for a buyer for the new stadium who have the funding to complete it and allowing Everton to lease it back. Administration remains a huge risk still.}

2.) 19 Jul 2024 12:50:09
Thanks for the reply Ed.

Bill Kenwright and Moshiri have a lot to answer for with this complete mess that’s been created under their stewardship.

Oh for just one normal month as an Everton fan.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 13:35:48
So where do we go from here?

Can anyone save us from administration?

{Ed002's Note - It is rather back to square one again.}

4.) 19 Jul 2024 14:23:08
It's like Groundhog day being a blue. no chance they will comeback in I gather then?

{Ed002's Note - I would doubt it. The problem will be finding someone willing to take on the huge debt.}

5.) 19 Jul 2024 14:35:07
Is the going-concern value of Everton as a company higher than the liquidation value? If so surely we won’t go into administration? Surely the intangible assets and customer loyalty as well as any potential for future returns (stadium) must ensure this? Or am I well wide of the mark? Sorry Eds, I’m just very worried and very frustrated and a primary school teacher so I don’t know how the real world actually works!

{Ed002's Note - Entering Administration would give the owners time to restructure the debts whilst the club continues to operate. Everton will want to avoid it as it comes with a nine point deduction.}

6.) 19 Jul 2024 14:47:21
Apparently according to the echo two English billionaires from the are now in the frame ?‍♂️.

7.) 19 Jul 2024 15:01:48
Mosh really knows how to pick em ay?
What an absolute shower they all are.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 18:37:35
Complete shambles.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 19:31:20
Shame the MSP group have moved on. I’d take anyone who can sort us out at the moment. Would even contemplate Saudi Owners though I feel awful saying it. After everything we have endured under Moshiri, I just want him gone and the club back to competing in the Prem, not holding on each season.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 09:31:16
I doubt administration will happen as there are too many people with money involved in the club. A cap, r&m, Moshiri and now Friedkin, none of these are going to want to lose their money.

Moshiri will no doubt get a buyer just not the deal at what he wants.

On Friedkin, I've heard he done the same thing at Roma, brought in other investors and then bought the club. This could happen with us and reduce his risk as well.

11.) 20 Jul 2024 12:47:05
Let's hope Bell and Downing can swoop in and save the day.

{Ed025's Note - lets hope so Charlie, but im not ruling out Friedkin yet because its all a game when it comes to this sort of business mate..

12.) 20 Jul 2024 13:56:01
Yeah, I heard he dud the same at Roma Ed. Either way wish they'd bloody hurry up ?.

13.) 20 Jul 2024 22:00:44
Ed02, you may know this. If we have a preferred bidder but he wants to allow someone else to join the bid would the exclusivity agreement have end to allow the new party to join the bid and look over the goods?

{Ed002's Note - No. That would be welcome to the seller.}

14.) 21 Jul 2024 11:54:07
Thanks Ed.



09 Jun 2024 17:19:41
Broja from Chelsea. Like the look of this lad. Looks like we must already be selling a few.


1.) 09 Jun 2024 18:01:01
I hope and suspect its a load of nonsense. 30m for what?

2.) 09 Jun 2024 18:27:09
Not for me. he had 1 good season then done nothing. £30 million what a joke.

3.) 09 Jun 2024 18:28:04
Yep vastly overpriced Scottish for me too. Much prefer a loan with option to buy.

4.) 09 Jun 2024 18:45:58
The echo is reporting it’s not true at this time no bids submitted until the ownership is sorted.

5.) 09 Jun 2024 18:59:19
I really hope the days of spending that sort of money on overpriced crap are over.

Btw, does anyone think after a pre season with us, Beto will turn a corner?

{Ed025's Note - i cant see it myself ST, i just hope when he does turn a corner its on European soil mate and he is playing elsewhere..

6.) 09 Jun 2024 20:33:55
Broja is a much better player than Beto. Lad was just getting into the Chelsea team when injury set him back. Is he worth 30m probably not. But would imagine whatever we pay would be in staged payments anyway.
Lads only 22. What happened to you lot wanting young hungry players then?

7.) 10 Jun 2024 01:08:36
He couldn't even get into Fulham's 11, nvm Chelsea's.

8.) 10 Jun 2024 10:39:37
Not been remotely impressed by anything I've seen of him. Absolutely the level of player we get linked with and spot on price but hopefully we'll be forced to let this rip off go as we definitely can't afford it.

9.) 10 Jun 2024 12:01:30
30 million I'd be shocked if we spend b4 we sell, but he's not worth it! I'd be worried at 20 million tbh!

10.) 10 Jun 2024 12:33:34
I might of been abit harsh given that all forwards need the service and the time on the pitch. But not at £30 million though.

11.) 10 Jun 2024 14:14:56
Broja didn't have 1 good season, he had 2 good months at Southampton. 30m would be ridiculous but it'd be just like us. tbh he does seem better than Beto but we can't afford to waste any money. Would rather give Chermiti more game time.

12.) 12 Jun 2024 00:50:33
No thanks to broja on a perm. Loan then fine.



23 Jan 2023 12:42:17
So now it's come out that Frank had a falling out with a few of the players after the Southampton game. This resulted in Dacoure being dropped and left out of the squad.
If this is true then there is no hope for Frank. Sadly player power always wins these days,


1.) 23 Jan 2023 13:20:40
Totally agree, as much as I don't like frank he is the boss and is in charge and players should show a bit of respect and do as they are told. Player have to much power and that is a massive problem with today's game.

2.) 23 Jan 2023 13:32:34
How dare Dacoure show some passion and fight for the team!

3.) 23 Jan 2023 14:28:23
Show it on the pitch and he may have a point. Not put in a decent performance in months. More like him and Keane have spat the dummies out for not playing but don’t perform when they get a chance. Lamps had every right to push them aside.

4.) 23 Jan 2023 14:41:02
All depends on what doucore has said - if it’s to tell Frank some home truths about how bad the team and tactics are then I’d make doucore captain not bin him to the reserves!

5.) 23 Jan 2023 14:42:24
It’s a pity he never did it in the pitch.

6.) 23 Jan 2023 14:46:18
He argued over tactics and it seems he wasn't the only one as did the fans we could all see his tactics were poor or are us fans meant to show respect and say nothing and watch us slip into oblivion.

7.) 23 Jan 2023 20:52:31
Original AJ - well that would be a first. Have watched him amble round the pitch not giving a toss for years now so forgive me for not wanting to slap him on the back for "showing passion" by arguing with his manager in front of teammates because he's not getting a game anymore.



26 Dec 2020 19:26:22
Anyone know why we have two keepers on the subs bench?


{Ed025's Note - i dont mate..




BrassingtonBlue's banter posts with other poster's replies to BrassingtonBlue's banter posts


19 Jul 2024 16:52:48
Can see us having to sell the ground now to keep afloat.




24 May 2024 17:20:44
This John Textor chap sounds just like the owner we would want. Sadly still tied to Palace so probably won't happen.


1.) 24 May 2024 18:28:36
Don’t think he’s got the cash and the palace fans don’t like him.

2.) 25 May 2024 10:11:53
Neither does our current owner or 777 Chalkie. Maybe he might have less debt though….

3.) 25 May 2024 11:46:47
Until he buys Everton?.

4.) 26 May 2024 14:48:35
How do you know the Palace fans don’t like him Chalkie?



10 May 2024 20:18:35
My mate got an email the other day saying that due to high demand he had been unsuccessful in his application for a season ticket. He's been on the waiting list for four years.
What other club could be so poor and still have such loyal support?


{Ed025's Note - not many i suspect Brass..

1.) 10 May 2024 20:55:34
Now I'm retired and settled in a retirement apartment, I was considering getting a season ticket in the new stadium. Does anyone know when applications would be opening?

2.) 10 May 2024 22:33:10
Has he joined up for the club membership mate? If not then he will always be near the bottom of the pile. He can increase his chances by paying the 30 odd quid for the year, this helps put him in the higher category for being accepted.

3.) 10 May 2024 22:36:33
Nick they will be opening soon and there are a number of seats available in the Sean Dyche stand.

4.) 11 May 2024 13:30:04
? ha ha.



25 Apr 2024 10:45:24
Great result last night players stepped up and showed that they are better than what we have seen.
Was getting worried when we sat back again (being honest I am not a fan of that) , but the second goal killed them off.
Still don't like this hoof ball as the players have shown that they can play.
Onwards to Brentford now, a win there and we should be safe. But we have to play with the same intensity now, the players have shown that they can do it.




18 Apr 2024 08:36:50
Think Dyche will be happy to get a draw against Forest and Luton. Were playing our own mini league now, and out of the six games left only four matter. Let's face it we will get nothing from Liverpool and Arsenal games.
We have Forest, Brentford and Sheff Utd at home. Luton away.
Two wins and two draws would put us on 35 points. Which then means Luton would have to win four of their last five games to draw level with us.
Forest would have to win three of their five to draw level.
In the past I would look at this and be confident of us staying up. But this Forest game is crucial now. Win and we open up a nice gap, lose and I don't think we recover.
That's why I think Dyche will set us up not to lose, and hope to nick a win. So people expecting big changes after the Chelsea battering will be dissapointed again.


1.) 18 Apr 2024 09:44:34
Just can't see us beating Forest or Brentford either. I think a few draws against them would probably be enough and beat Sheffield utd. 6 more points.
Unfortunately every football fan and his dog knew to park the bus at Chelsea but he went after them. Crazy. Did he do it to make a point and threw the game? Still think we'll be ok but this should have been much more comfortable at this stage. It's the summer window and next season things need to be changed for.

2.) 18 Apr 2024 12:38:10
Tbh I'd be happy with the draws too, we look poor, atleast a draw means they don't gain on us. But I fear forest and Luton will beat us!

3.) 18 Apr 2024 13:18:25
Ay up, just a view from the opposition on Sunday. Before Dyche came to you he spent more time at the City Ground than our groundsman, he will know our team inside out, and our mega weakness at free kicks and corners.
We seem to be having a parallel season, points deduction, a player on the books taking a vast amount for doing nothing! . I hope for a win on Sunday, but after that I hope we both stay up, I mean Luton in the premier don't sound right ??.

4.) 18 Apr 2024 16:05:58
I would appreciate us winning Trent, then both of us staying up. Put two fingers up to the Premiership along the way.

5.) 18 Apr 2024 16:27:18
All changes again though if Luton get a result against brentford. its ok saying if we win or we draw which is fine. I just think we have given up which I'm gutted to say. City hammered them last week but other than that they are fighting to stay up we're as we seem to be going through the motions yet again. COYB ?.

6.) 18 Apr 2024 17:48:46
Anything less than our whole Team fighting will not be acceptable, still reckon we will stay up though beginning with a win on Sun.

{Ed025's Note - i do admire your optimism GB, but i look at the 2 sides and only one of them are capable of scoring for me mate, we could get a 0-0 draw i suppose but without Jarrad it will be difficult..




BrassingtonBlue's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 17:41:30
Agree Smit666 but only if he signs a long term contract. Have to maximise any sell on price.
Would also pay it just to stop the Mancs getting him.




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22 Jul 2024 17:52:19
Well it's all about improving the team. If these guys do that then it's well done Thelwell.




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13 Jul 2024 11:16:47
If it's seven more games then we will be ok. Chances are he will only make five before being injured.




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13 Jul 2024 11:13:53
Hopefully we get the bulk of the money up front.




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10 Jul 2024 16:17:43
Or maybe it's just the package and length of contract offered.





BrassingtonBlue's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 16:28:08
Well last season we lacked any pace going forward. With the signing of this lad and N'Diaye we appear to be sorting that out.




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22 Jul 2024 17:47:49
Agree Big C. If we all knew how dodgy 777 were then I can't believe a business the size of Friedkin's didn't. Think they just want to get the club as cheap as possible.




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22 Jul 2024 17:45:32
Never really did enough for us, spent time on the subs bench. So will we miss him probably not.




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22 Jul 2024 17:41:24
If we get him on loan and get City to pay a portion of his wage yes. But should we be paying his suggested 150k a week? would hope not.




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21 Jul 2024 11:16:31
I will give him £1000 for 200 shares. There's a start. But want a comfy seat in the new ground or no deal.




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