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19 Jul 2024 16:57:03
Well I fear the worse for our once great club. Ed002 has been warning us for a long time that the finances are dire and it is now obvious that we are in deep trouble. I can't see that any reasonable business is going to take a chance on owning our club. Going into administration is now a realistic scenario with the resulting nine points deduction. Also we are likely to lose our best players, why would they stay? Also do we have sufficient funds to finish the new stadium?
No good going on about who or what is to blame but if any one suggests naming one of the stands in the new stadium after Kenwright I will throw up!


1.) 19 Jul 2024 17:13:42
I disagree I don't think we will go into administration at all. For me there is too much of a loss from the parties that own the current debt for us to go into administration.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 18:26:56
I said it was a "realistic scenario", we will see and obviously I hope that we don't but the fact that it is a possibility is damnation on the idiots that have been running this club.



09 Jul 2024 12:17:58
I find it interesting that Ed002, who has infinitely more information than any of us states "Mr Dyche is largely a peripheral figure. " I presume when it comes to transfers.
Now I know that GB does not agree with that and thinks our manager walks on water and many of us think that he has done a good job for the last few seasons keeping us up under difficult circumstances.
However, I also read that that the potential new owner has had discussions with advisors regarding the managerial situation.
So SD's managerial situation is up in the air, I hope that he is given at least six months to see what he can do but the new owner may wish to make a statement, we will see!


1.) 09 Jul 2024 12:58:28
Hi Mike I certainly do not think Sean walks on water, he did what he was brought in for to keep us up and he did, pretty footy no it certainly wasn’t but would settle for what he managed to do with a very poor Team which was keep us in the Premiership, as for the managerial situation his contract runs out in 2025 and I recently stated the same thing that the new owners would want to get it sorted one way or another some agreed some didn’t game of opinions mate, myself I hope has given the chance and with the new arrivals he’s bringing in it seems he will be here for a while.

2.) 09 Jul 2024 13:34:51
Would have thought Dyche would have spoken to Thelwell about the type of player he wants, and what positions he needs to strengthen. It's then Thelwell's job to find these players.
What do you think Harlex :)

3.) 09 Jul 2024 15:41:20
Just pulling your leg GB. I guess the point is "who is calling the shots" when it comes to transfers. Maybe it's Thelwell? Yes he obviously talks to Dyche but someone has to make the final decision and from Ed002's comments it does not sound as if it is Dyche. That's my point!

{Ed002's Note - It is not Dyche, no. Obviously he is consulted by Thelwell and the two others involved.}

4.) 09 Jul 2024 15:52:42
Yep you are right BlueMike mate.

5.) 09 Jul 2024 17:03:10
Love it Brass! Hahah.

6.) 09 Jul 2024 17:46:06
You’d expect the manager to communicate with the DofF and that he’d then control scouts, transfers etc. Normal. Also expected that a new owner would review his options when it comes to the manager. Don’t think there’s a story here. If SD does well, he’ll have a better chance of staying, if he doesn’t, he won’t. The squad though should remain more balanced as it’s being overseen by a DofF.

7.) 09 Jul 2024 18:11:33
Good post JB agree with all of that mate.

8.) 09 Jul 2024 17:09:07
Thanks for the clarification Ed002, we are lucky to have you sharing your information.

{Ed002's Note - Hoping everything is resolved soon.}



14 Apr 2024 16:27:09
Fantastic build up play for the Palace goal. I remember when we could play like that. These days we have difficulty putting two passes together. Can someone remind me when was the last time that we scored a goal like that?




06 Apr 2024 20:34:06
Well a win is a win but we had 37% possession and 200 accurate passes verses Burnley's 403.
Now I know Ed025 we have had this discussion before but at home verses a team that are next to bottom and have only won four games all season!
If anything these statistics just about sums up our tactics under this Manager. We may have to put up with him because of our financial situation, but longer term, get rid ASAP.


{Ed025's Note - you are preaching to the converted Mike mate..



04 Apr 2024 21:47:10
Being retired and there being a fair amount of games on TV this week I have watched a lot of football. What is obvious to me is that players (even on teams lower down the table) seem to have a lot more energy than most of the Everton team. Now I can understand players having more talent and players having more speed but why do Everton players seem more lethargic than most? Do we have fitness coaches? Maybe it's because they are brain-dead or just disinterested in putting in the effort required.


1.) 04 Apr 2024 23:44:47
I think they have been ran into the floor in training. It's not like they've had chance to sit a game or 2 out as we have no squad.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 08:58:34
Haven’t they just had a three week break?

3.) 05 Apr 2024 17:44:46
3 weeks of getting ran into the floor in Portugal probably.

4.) 05 Apr 2024 18:11:02
I am 3 weeks recover after major surgery (8 hrs I am told) discharged after 5 days with less inside than I started with LOL. Today my Grandaughter took me for a 3 mile walk. The point I make is these lads are professional athletes, they have nutritional experts, monitors and scientific approached training programs. I am a 74 year old man, my motivation is family. This lot lack motivation, you don't get that by slapping a lad round the back of the head or 'not interested in the journey' 'we need to change the story'. The bloke is a waffler.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 22:31:28
Spot on! They r mediocre players at a mediocre club ran less than mediocre so r just taking their millions and going through motions!
We all give a Sh1T if we go down as we r loyal for life! These guys kiss shirt one minute then move on when better offer comes along ( ie Onana will ) but does a loss spoil their week like it does ours I doubt it!
Apart from Seamus (maybe Beto who I feel cares but knows he’s giving his all but isn’t quite good enough for PL and us) can u name another player blues who really goes care?




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22 Jul 2024 19:37:42
I hope that is the case GB but the fact is that Firkin unearthed something while doing due diligence that put up a red flag is very worrying.




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22 Jul 2024 19:29:51
I can't see us getting another center-back unless either Holgate or Keane are sold. We just can't afford to have those two sitting on the bench ail season with the wages that they are being paid.




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14 Jul 2024 18:22:07
Well guys we can only hope that KT and SD do a comprehensive evaluation and only sign him on a low wage with added bonuses if he performs. It's really a crap shoot, if he could get back to anywhere near his best it will be looked at as a master stroke. On the other hand, well you can guess!




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12 Jul 2024 21:32:54
He could be a great player for us, he also could be a dud as he has been since he signed, time will tell but I hope that we are not paying out too much for the trial.




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08 Jul 2024 19:26:46
Because our potential new owner also owns Roma! OK poor joke, forget it.





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24 Jul 2024 23:32:54
Not if it is not owned by Everton.




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23 Jul 2024 00:31:42
I'm with Ed025 on this, we have enough of that type of person already playing, or rather keeping the bench warm, so we don't need another. Of course before my wife and I got married her mother said the same thing about me and I proved her wrong, well according to me!




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20 Jul 2024 20:47:32
The Newcastle supporters believed she supported them Ed001. She's in it for the money mate so unless she has some rich Arab connections who have money to burn doubt if she would risk it.




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19 Jul 2024 18:26:56
I said it was a "realistic scenario", we will see and obviously I hope that we don't but the fact that it is a possibility is damnation on the idiots that have been running this club.




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13 Jul 2024 15:37:12
Best not to talk about them at all Ed001. I lived and worked in Manchester from 1966 to 1970 and since I only had a motor-bike and sometimes couldn't get to Goodison would rather watch City at Main Road. We had a cheap house in Chorlton-cum-Hardy and Ken Barnes who had been the City Captain lived opposite (with his son Peter) . Dennis Law was a regular visiter. Just shows you how different the wages have changed since that time.




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