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14 Jan 2022 20:14:55
Is interest in Van De Beek just paper talk and if not what chances?


{Ed002's Note - Donny van de Beek (CM) Everton may still provide an option - but his agent is also looking for other options and he has been offered through a third party to Barcelona, Real Madrid, Dortmund, Juventus and Wolves but the Spanish sides have not asked for more information. Manchester United will now let him leave in the summer but the player wants out in January if possible. Manchester United may well block that and again hold another player hostage with his value likely to have halved from what they paid for him. Atletico might provide a loan to buy option. Borussia Dortmund may be the most attractive option.}

1.) 15 Jan 2022 09:17:25



18 Dec 2021 11:00:27
Why are we spending £20 million on a left back when we're have nkonku and it's a tight back we need? Even if digne goes sounds like this guy isn't ready yet for premiere league!


{Ed0666's Note - Because your Everton

1.) 18 Dec 2021 11:29:28
My word! Let's write off a young left back who will reduce the average age of the squad and save us a lot on wages, helping ffp before he has kicked a ball.
Let's ask Liverpool for James Milner, give him a huge fat last pay day and have that will solve all our problems.

{Ed0666's Note - Like Millie would play for Everton ?

2.) 18 Dec 2021 11:42:20
I presume it's because good right-backs that we can afford are not available at the moment and if Digne is off and we have identified a good replacement who is available and we can afford him then it makes sense. Presumably the search for a right-back will continue, I just hope that we don't make another panic decision. We need the right players not another flop.

3.) 18 Dec 2021 11:43:40
Sorry just the 1st 30+ player who can play at left back that came to mind??.

4.) 18 Dec 2021 13:12:32
We have eyes on a right back from France.

5.) 18 Dec 2021 13:21:00
Think the only right back the club will find is the one right back where they started from.

{Ed0666's Note - good one Brian ?

6.) 18 Dec 2021 14:50:01
Tony Hibbert plays in France?.

7.) 18 Dec 2021 13:50:21
So the apparent 20 mill deal for this LB is dependant on a deal to sell Digne I assume.

8.) 18 Dec 2021 16:05:14
Would think so dfs otherwise what’s the point? As many have said it’s a right back we need, or maybe Godfrey can play there as well.

9.) 18 Dec 2021 19:09:43
Yea he can Bob ?. I know he's been better at left back than digne when he's played there but he's actually right footed, so it would seem logical that he can also do a good job at right back. I suspect if there isn't a right back that the manager would like to sign available at a price we can afford, then he will consider Godfrey as a viable option for right back for the second half of the season.

10.) 18 Dec 2021 21:13:36
Bluemike - highly unlikely to make a panic decision over a right back as we’ve been looking for one for 3 years! Can’t see them panicking now ?.

11.) 18 Dec 2021 23:45:19
This is Everton mate, we can panic buy anytime.



26 Feb 2021 18:46:33
Any insight Eds on if we have a realistic chance of signing Max Aaron's? Or is he destined elsewhere?
Read Norwich want 30/ 35 million. Any possibility of Norwich accepting 25 + Kenny?


{Ed002's Note - Max Aarons (RB) Everton remain very keen after Bayern Munich decided against a move as the cost is seen as too high and Roma has opted for another - Manchester United want him as cover only and that will likely price him out of a move at something like £30M. I don't see Jonjonjoe Kenny moving to Norwich.}

1.) 27 Feb 2021 07:19:15
Thanks Ed.



05 Oct 2020 23:14:49
And Sandro gone!




05 Oct 2020 23:13:26
Olsen confirmed!





PigHeadHoncho's banter posts with other poster's replies to PigHeadHoncho's banter posts


17 Jul 2024 15:06:51
Well done Castore! At last a decent home kit for 2024/ 25. Fellow blues thoughts?


1.) 17 Jul 2024 16:08:12

Kit looks good. Wonder what the away kit will look like….

2.) 17 Jul 2024 20:04:08
Didn’t see price but all kits nowadays are silly money. On plus side kids wear them day in day out and they wash well. Just hope our batch aren’t as sweaty as Villa’s were!
Just glad it’s a home kit I’d be proud to wear. I may even purchase this season for first time in years.

{Ed025's Note - im keeping my old one PHH..

3.) 17 Jul 2024 21:15:21

{Ed025's Note - i could be an Eco warrior with a penchant to recycle PHH...nah im just a minge bag mate.. :)

4.) 17 Jul 2024 21:23:32
What year Ed25?
My last one was year Andy J signed for Moyes and bagged a double v the reds in a 3-0 home derby win! I was convinced we’d win league after that game. Not sure of year but I was a youthful 40! ?.

{Ed025's Note - i have got a "STAKE" one and a "CHANG" one PHH, i won one in a competition and the other was a birthday present..

5.) 17 Jul 2024 21:24:07
The lot thing is for the kids really I think, but I have to say, with it being the last year at Goodison, it seems fitting that the kit reminds me of the 1960’s strip that was worn a team of legends.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 21:48:01
It’ll need to be some bloody kit Pierre for us to perform like that!

7.) 17 Jul 2024 21:49:17
Maybe an omen for FA cup
Win Pierre ?.



15 Jun 2024 13:27:46


1.) 15 Jun 2024 17:20:02
So sad. an Everton legend.

2.) 16 Jun 2024 11:06:05
A great ambassador for the game and for Everton.



02 Jun 2024 08:31:47
Hi eds
Can you explain why overseas players often have a buyout clause but in PL this doesn't seem to be the case?


{Ed002's Note - In Spain and Portugal all players are obliged to have a buy out clause under the terms of contract law. Other countries impose them on an ad hoc basis. In England, it is quite unusual but some agents insist on them.}

1.) 02 Jun 2024 08:56:27



02 Apr 2024 21:05:19
Despite a total pile of sh1t our fans were incredible again. instead of a holiday abroad SD should've sent the players into Liverpool for a week to feel our passion. Sadly, I don't think it'll be rewarded and we will go down regardless of any more point deductions, because quite simple not a single win this year! WTF and manager still in post.


1.) 03 Apr 2024 08:20:14
Over some 40 odd years every time I returned to UK, invariably it was to London and its' region. I got to watch Everton many times at 'my' home games. Our away fans have always been tremendous and even now with the destruction wrought with Moshri, advisors and the (hrmmmmmmm) real owner, these fans are unbelievable.



02 Apr 2024 20:56:11
Honestly don't know how anyone can back SD after those subs tonight. Can't believe Young and Godfrey started never mind not subbed after their performances. Onana was our best performer (which isn't saying much) first half.


1.) 03 Apr 2024 11:34:59
Personally I thought onana was very poor. Garner and gomes made the difference.




PigHeadHoncho's rumour replies


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29 Jun 2024 16:46:12
Which 2 Hull youngsters?




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18 Jun 2024 19:38:57
Maybe? Ed2 did say Everton and Villa were discussing more ….




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18 Jun 2024 15:57:28
What other matters Ed2?


{Ed002's Note - Onanna and Dendoncker.}



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18 Jun 2024 18:10:47
M8 of mine is a Villa dan and told me he’s meant to be very good and got a bit of game time towards end of season! Agree this potentially could be a decent buy.




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14 Jun 2024 23:05:16
Agree Mocker! Cannot stand the special one!





PigHeadHoncho's banter replies


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17 Jul 2024 21:49:17
Maybe an omen for FA cup
Win Pierre ?.




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17 Jul 2024 21:48:01
It’ll need to be some bloody kit Pierre for us to perform like that!




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17 Jul 2024 21:23:32
What year Ed25?
My last one was year Andy J signed for Moyes and bagged a double v the reds in a 3-0 home derby win! I was convinced we’d win league after that game. Not sure of year but I was a youthful 40! ?.


{Ed025's Note - i have got a "STAKE" one and a "CHANG" one PHH, i won one in a competition and the other was a birthday present..



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17 Jul 2024 21:15:21


{Ed025's Note - i could be an Eco warrior with a penchant to recycle PHH...nah im just a minge bag mate.. :)



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17 Jul 2024 20:04:08
Didn’t see price but all kits nowadays are silly money. On plus side kids wear them day in day out and they wash well. Just hope our batch aren’t as sweaty as Villa’s were!
Just glad it’s a home kit I’d be proud to wear. I may even purchase this season for first time in years.


{Ed025's Note - im keeping my old one PHH..



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