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BAZSHAMROCK's Posts and Other Poster's Replies To BAZSHAMROCK's Posts



To BAZSHAMROCK's last 5 rumours posts


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To BAZSHAMROCK's last 5 banter replies


BAZSHAMROCK's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BAZSHAMROCK's rumours posts


27 Oct 2022 19:25:42
Braithwaite had a solid game for PSV tonight ?.


1.) 27 Oct 2022 22:04:52
He definitely did. Good news really. Keane and Mina can go and he can’t step up next season.

2.) 27 Oct 2022 22:58:20
Good player.

3.) 31 Oct 2022 18:33:23
Kiss of death, he's in today's press claiming he's going to be returning as he only play 450 mins so far and they have an injured CB coming back who'll demote him further away from playing. He should go to a bottom half championship club or a top L1 team and get some blood and thunder EFL football.

4.) 06 Nov 2022 19:56:00
That would be a terrible step down for him. He needs us or a top championship club.

5.) 06 Nov 2022 20:11:16
Than the bench?



06 Dec 2021 22:23:08
27 minute walk out a complete embarrassment
Just support the club when they need us as the majority of true blues did tonight.


1.) 06 Dec 2021 22:29:46
Agree Baz from my count and I was there must been maybe 50 people but yeah you're right mate.

2.) 06 Dec 2021 22:54:17
Yeah agree lads. Was a stupid idea that's somehow got blown out of proportion and hyped up then never happened. Was glad when hardly anyone left. The crowd were fantastic night.

3.) 06 Dec 2021 23:36:45
Think most went the toilets, most true blue just sang with the rest of the crowd, good team effort is all we want.

4.) 08 Dec 2021 02:19:15
as fc said there spot on mate just been over hyped how that walkout was on sky twitter the echo and only 50 walkout its embarresing as us fans we can 12th man and clearly it paid of monday.

5.) 11 Dec 2021 14:28:31
Thought that's 50 desperate for the loo.

6.) 11 Dec 2021 18:30:51
If you understand the purpose of the protest you might realise that it's not about withdrawing support for the team. It's about making them owner of the club aware that the fans are important and that people who he has trusted to run the club are not doing it to the level required. You appear to have missed the fundamental principles of the protest.

7.) 13 Dec 2021 14:00:17
What principles and where did it get you!



28 Jun 2018 19:38:50
Apparently it's Schneiderlin.


1.) 28 Jun 2018 19:59:55
In regards to what?

2.) 28 Jun 2018 20:05:43
What is?

3.) 28 Jun 2018 20:21:32
Are you sure?

4.) 28 Jun 2018 20:53:03
I replied to earlier post where question was asked who is next after Rooney and Mori but it came up as new post.

5.) 28 Jun 2018 21:28:49
Is it confirmed? Can’t see it anywhere?

6.) 28 Jun 2018 21:37:04
Guardian but not a done deal yet.

7.) 28 Jun 2018 23:14:23
I said Rooney, closely followed by Williams got the first part right.



31 Mar 2018 21:06:10
Beaten today plain and simple due to bad team selection from Sam
Yes city are good team but when you play Schneiderlin who never touched the ball and a midfield that look as if they are scared to tackle along with no high press allowing City the freedom of the park You get what we saw today at Goodison
That is why SA has to go and the sooner the better to allow the next manager time to sort the dead wood out before the window opens.


1.) 01 Apr 2018 12:17:42
schneiderlin never touched the ball? not sure what game you were watching, he worked harder than anyone and put more tackles in than the rest.

2.) 01 Apr 2018 13:00:39
What game was I watching? ? Tom Davies put more effort in his first 5 minutes on the pitch than Schneiderlin put in for the 90 minutes If your happy with his performance what game you you watching.

3.) 01 Apr 2018 13:37:38
Big Sam out. But let's not start making up rubbish.
Yeah we we're well done at half time. And yes they took their foot of our throat in the 2md half.
We could have stuck the u23s on too and had 22 players and lost.

This EFC team is one of the worst in my living memory. On a par with the early to middle 90s. And this City team is one of the best the world has ever seen.

1-3 Is better than what I predicted before kick off.

LFC will batter us too. 9 th is our finish position.

4.) 01 Apr 2018 13:55:13
I give up if you thought Schniederlin put in more tackles than the rest. The rest were not very good but Schneiderlin was woeful. For the first two goals he was way behind the City players and for the rest of the time he just wandered around the pitch at half pace.

5.) 01 Apr 2018 17:02:16
imperialblue, are you on a wind up. I saw the guy make one block and that after he turned his back. You may be getting confused that he makes the move to tackle or intercept but stops prior to contact. It is no coincidence that Jags (in particular) and Coleman were often to be found in the roles vacated by Rooney (a terrible game in the DM position) and Schneiderlin.




BAZSHAMROCK's banter posts with other poster's replies to BAZSHAMROCK's banter posts


06 May 2024 15:56:34
Regarding the take over guys
True saying is control the controllables
And we can't control this so may as well sit back and see it through to a hopefully win win conclusion.




02 May 2024 19:33:44
Looks like the financial investor vultures are hovering waiting for us to go into administration.


1.) 02 May 2024 21:52:42
I've heard people saying 777 made the due payment but for whatever reason the msm aren't reporting so.



06 Apr 2024 18:11:44
We all know that was all about getting 3 points
However the performance was shocking and got worse when Burnley went down to 10 men
Plus I lost count how many times we were caught offside ( BASICS)




17 Nov 2023 12:36:10
So 10 points deduction Can't wait to see what City get At least we know what we need to do now.




23 Sep 2023 19:48:36
Great result deserved all 3 points Special mention for Garner thought he worked well and definitely improved the midfield.


1.) 23 Sep 2023 20:08:35
Agreed, I even thought Mykolenko had a good game. Making runs and throwing himself about.

2.) 23 Sep 2023 21:28:18
Mykolenko little shimmy down the left wing reminded me of Kevin sheedy.

3.) 23 Sep 2023 21:47:45
Whole team played well bar idrissa.

4.) 23 Sep 2023 21:49:32
Nope he is a wing back not a FB.

5.) 23 Sep 2023 22:51:25
What about that pass from Garner through to DCL for goal. ????.

6.) 23 Sep 2023 23:14:27
Garners pass into DCL was what we have been missing this season.




BAZSHAMROCK's rumour replies


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04 Mar 2024 11:54:49
Get real we couldn't afford his boots.




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10 Aug 2023 08:46:08
Should have him signed by time we move into Bramley Moore stadium then.




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21 Feb 2022 18:15:45
Hope they haven't signed him up for the front line invasion of Ukraine he'll definitely be 1st casualty.




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09 Jan 2022 19:07:00
"Diane" Tbone She'll do well ?.




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17 Dec 2021 10:48:46
I'd throw Iwobi in as a freebe.





BAZSHAMROCK's banter replies


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09 Jul 2024 13:43:34
Wouldn't bank on this Many other club websites saying they are favourites Looks like his agent is playing the game.




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22 May 2024 13:56:59
We need stability
Changing managers will not give stability
Stick with Dyche for at least another season he's deserved that after what he's had to deal with since he's joined our club.




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23 Feb 2024 12:52:00
There's another 3 points to be deducted then ?.




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07 Dec 2023 21:45:45
Brilliant performance.




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24 Nov 2023 15:04:16
The FA might be able to control Sky but they won't silence us Evertonians WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED.




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