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27 Jul 2024 05:36:07
Most of the posts go to the Everton Banter page

Also more posts are being added to the Everton Discussion Posts page

26 Jul 2024 19:46:26
Hi Ed’s with the signing of Lindstrom are we still looking at getting Gnonto.

{Ed002's Note - I think it is unrelated so I expect he is still seen as an option.}

Believable0 0Unbelievable

26 Jul 2024 22:48:13
What about Arthur Melo? Lots of chat earlier in the window about him.

{Ed025's Note - i dont think he is even on the radar Swinners..

Agree0 0Disagree

27 Jul 2024 00:21:25
Cheers Ed25, I thought it was an odd one at the time.

Agree0 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 22:27:22
I'm pritty sure that this is a silly question, but way did a man, credited with being a multi millionaire, need to borrow 200m pounds off 777. If it was short term finance whilst a takeover was being negotiated surely he was able to cover this himself, then recoup it from the buyer . Said it was a silly question, but am buggered if I know the answer .

{Ed025's Note - the problem is ITB that by all accounts its not his money mate, a certain Mr Usminov is pulling all the strings allegedly..

Believable2 0Unbelievable

26 Jul 2024 01:05:11
So should we believe Usminov has the final say in any takeover?

{Ed025's Note - if it is his money Swinners then yes im sure he would have a say, he who pays the piper calls the tune i would say mate..

Agree0 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 12:23:04
Is that true JB will not sign a new contract at Everton unless they match the Man U offer of £160.000 does anyone know.

Believable1 0Unbelievable

25 Jul 2024 12:48:31
Feels like blatant tapping up if true. It's one thing to declare interest and unsettle someone, it's another to sabotage contract negotiations by telling someone how much you'd pay them.

Agree0 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 13:01:00
Would you tbf? Best ask his agent GB. The player has all the power mate, even tho still has few years on his contract we run risk of him running his contract down or sulking.

Modern day football for you. Sheer greed.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 13:33:10
If another company in same line as work offered you a higher salary, to do the same job, would you ask your current employer to match it? Or stay and say, don't worry boss I'll do the same for you but for a lot less.

Agree3 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 14:02:23
Yeah totally get that bunkbeds, but totally different scenario we are talking tens of thousands per week not £300-400.

I'd like to think if I was happy and those around me I would commit and help the club/ work, but easy to say when not in that predicament nor have any alliance to the club.

He doesn't sign his value will plummet next summer. Bang on comment from EFCONE in regards them being allowed to offer terms whilst still under contract to us, happens all time tho.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 14:05:22
That's probably why man utd offered a petty sum for him, they promised him so much money instead of offering us a decent fee and just doubling his wages!

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25 Jul 2024 14:15:26
We can’t know for sure, but he doesn’t seem the type to sulk, he’ll be looking for force his way into contention for the England squad.
We don’t have to offer him anything, he’s got years left on his contract.

Agree2 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 14:26:26
Well it makes you wonder why they even bother having contracts in the first place.

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25 Jul 2024 15:19:40
Did we offer Branthwaite better pay than he was at Carlisle? Or Pickford mote than Sunderland? Or Beto, Chermiti? McNeil? Cahill, Cottee? Etc etc etc.

Tapping up is annoying I get it, bet we've done it as well.

Regardless of being hundreds or thousands we'd all want earn as much we could for our families, even if sometimes the amounts are pretty obscene compared to the rest of us earning a normal wage.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 15:30:47
Do we stick or twist we don’t up his pay to £160 grand he goes, good player and I do not want him to go but £160 grand wow.

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25 Jul 2024 16:50:09
He is still under contract GB. So he can’t just walk away.

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25 Jul 2024 16:50:56
If he signs a new contract at 160 then it's around 6-7m more for the year but how much more can we ask for him if next year he has 4 years left and another great season under his belt.
70-80 mill?
Got to be worth the investment.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 17:15:12
I agree with Smit.

We have to take into consideration how much it would cost us to replace a player of his ability.

He is definitely worth the extra money given the fact that he won’t be with us past next season.

He is no longer an unknown quantity and people will definitely be judging him a lot more closely. If he has another season like the last one, I think we will be well within our rights to ask for 80m +.

{Ed002's Note - Just to be clear - there has been no tapping up. Manchester United approached Everton and have spoken with his agent. That is how transfers work.}

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 17:41:30
Agree Smit666 but only if he signs a long term contract. Have to maximise any sell on price.
Would also pay it just to stop the Mancs getting him.

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25 Jul 2024 17:53:08
Good post Smit makes a lot of sense that.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 17:55:02
why would we even offer a new contract to a player who signed a contract October last year and has 3 years left on that contact?

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25 Jul 2024 18:07:09
& What effect will that have on other squad members who believe they deserve parity? Or any potential future signings demands?

Agree makes since to tie him down but no one is bigger than the club, if he is on £70pw and asking £160k PW then think £120k take or leave, the tail can't wag the dog, let's be fair he is 22 had 1 very good season and I fully expect to kick on again (if his head and hearts in EFC) but does it justify a 90k payrise and potential unrest in squad after the predicament the club has been in, just hope those ain't making noise too much.

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25 Jul 2024 18:43:27
I just think it is ridiculous that some teams can offer that sort of money a week and others can’t without falling foul of PSR.

There is only one direction this is heading: mega rich clubs with all the talent and the rest of us having to surrender our best assets as we just can’t compete. Euro Super league is coming unless this can be addressed - how they would or could do this is beyond me.

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25 Jul 2024 19:05:15
Mocker we had players on 100k a week last season who spent the whole time on the bench. Agree it’s a lot of money, but if we want the maximum return in future sales then it’s something we have to do.

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25 Jul 2024 19:22:36
He’s a great defender but he’s not £160k a week
Yet after his breakout season
Pay bump and build in the contract it rises over the coming years, could that be an option?
New 5 year contract with options on further years.

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25 Jul 2024 19:33:46
Bottom line is that the best teams get the best players. Rich clubs get an unfair advantage. There was a time when we were one of the richest clubs in England and therefore could afford the best players. As unfair as it feels on us now, we were once that club who could afford to take from others. For sure though, the PSR has perversely ensured the status of an elite few despite its purpose of sustaining clubs operational costs.

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25 Jul 2024 19:48:56

I get the logic mate, but we are trying to get ourselves on a even kneel, we can't afford to pay top 4 wages that's the reality, then for example Pickford or DCL etc coming knocking if have a decent season.

The problem is rightly or wrongly Man Utd stating what they pay, I know it ain't breaking any rules and we will have been guilty of it ourselves but BR stated in his post this is getting stupid, contracts mean nothing, we all know no loyalty in football, would be nice for players to actually come out and commit and say I've a contract I will honour it, mate he is 22 70k PW, not just him but football in general, something has to give and as BR states how can teams compete or hope to build, what happens say we give him the 160k and he gets too comfy and form effort totally drops off, like for example rashford or a Pogba once they got their bumper rise, doesn't seem the type Jarrad but it's the agents and greed that have taken over football, it's no good for football and I say that as a football fan not just a Everton one.

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25 Jul 2024 20:07:28
Give him what he wants but make him sign a long term deal. 7 yrs. Build a team around him. This kid is class and we will struggle to replace him. Pay for quality instead of the last few seasons of paying over 100k per week for dross.

Agree1 0Disagree

26 Jul 2024 09:40:38
You have a good point Mocker, can’t argue with that mate.

Agree0 0Disagree

24 Jul 2024 17:43:24
Kevin Malone rumours gathering pace.

Believable1 0Unbelievable

24 Jul 2024 18:25:15
Dunno why, but this doesn't excite me as much as the friedkin takeover

Hope to be proved wrong tho.

Agree2 0Disagree

24 Jul 2024 18:46:35
Same as that mate, and I reckon Freidkin will come back as well.

Agree1 0Disagree

24 Jul 2024 21:21:44
Reading there is another offer on the table.

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24 Jul 2024 22:37:48
Seems to me Morshiri is playing them all off against each other to get the best price. Shambles of a man.

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24 Jul 2024 23:26:09
I’m not sure he’s that clever Nick.

Agree1 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 07:26:38
Think maybe Friedkin is playing Moshiri more like.

Agree0 0Disagree

25 Jul 2024 07:55:19
What position does he play mate?

Agree0 0Disagree

23 Jul 2024 20:36:33
Lindstrom loan deal just agreed with Napoli, player now on his way over for medical apparently! (fabrizio)

Believable4 0Unbelievable

23 Jul 2024 22:58:11
I think it’s a loan with an obligation to buy for £25m next season, which I think means we still have a loan space left, probably for Phillips.

Agree2 0Disagree

24 Jul 2024 00:33:23
I hope it’s only an option and not an obligation because he was truly awful last season and prior to that he hasn’t exactly set the world alight. Let’s hope thelwell has found a gem but his track record doesn’t leave much hope!

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24 Jul 2024 07:54:03
Think its a win win situation with current financial situation if he has good season we can activate his 25 mil buyout clause that's if he wants join us permanently if he doesn't perform well then again we have the option to send him back but i havnt seen him play but i have seen few posts on here saying he was good at frankfurt prior moving to napoli so if we can get him in the same rhythm when he was at frankfurt than happy days.

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24 Jul 2024 10:17:33
The Italians league has never been a great measure for players in the prem so hoping he is a player more suited to the here. Have not seen a lot of him, but he was a rookie of the year in the bundesliga so must have had something.

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24 Jul 2024 14:34:48
3mill euro loan fee
22mill euro OPTION to buy.

Agree1 0Disagree

24 Jul 2024 15:54:02
Good deal.

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25 Jul 2024 15:28:11
Will he actually get a game under Dyche. His favorite pets McNiel and Harrison Come first.

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26 Jul 2024 13:06:42
He can play 10 and both wings Tez - I’d hope he would get some game time and allow for rotation between the positions.

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22 Jul 2024 20:02:09
Jackson Tchatchoua tipped to sign for us, full back from Hellas Verona, deal close.

Believable1 0Unbelievable

23 Jul 2024 09:50:26
most likely destination is Rennes.

Agree1 0Disagree

22 Jul 2024 16:33:07
So apparently Lindstrom has said goodbye to his teammates and is expecting to sign for us this week, also expected in this week is Gnonto and Philips who will be a loan.

Believable0 0Unbelievable

22 Jul 2024 17:13:20
Lots of risk there I feel. I would love Phillips to come in and find the form that he had a few years ago. He seems a Dyche type player so hopefully he could get him playing well again. I don’t know enough about the two, but hopefully the improve the squad. Need some fullbacks though and a centre back, at the moment Holgate and Keane are our back ups and Tarks is injured. /.

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22 Jul 2024 17:15:01
All 3 once well regarded but all 3 have dropped off, but we must take risks, if even one of them works out we would be better for it I guess.

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22 Jul 2024 17:52:19
Well it's all about improving the team. If these guys do that then it's well done Thelwell.

Agree1 0Disagree

22 Jul 2024 17:57:10
Impressed with our new arrivals hope Lindstom and Gnonto are next, really pleased so far and hopefully a couple more at the back.

Agree1 0Disagree

22 Jul 2024 19:29:51
I can't see us getting another center-back unless either Holgate or Keane are sold. We just can't afford to have those two sitting on the bench ail season with the wages that they are being paid.

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22 Jul 2024 19:38:41
Hoping that Thelwell had identified some players that can improve us. Not an exact science of course, but we appear to be heading in the right direction, on the pitch at least.

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23 Jul 2024 07:51:41
Lindstrom is a red aswell 🤬🤬🤬.

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23 Jul 2024 09:51:37
we like the Centre half from Lyon, but imagine that's reliant as you say on one of Holgate/ Keane leaving, which is easier said than done.

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23 Jul 2024 15:16:41
What’s he travelling by bicycle? Dragging this one out a bit.

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22 Jul 2024 16:24:13
Several reports suggesting that Freidkin will come back to the table as he's after a reduced Price for Everton.

Believable2 0Unbelievable

22 Jul 2024 19:37:42
I hope that is the case GB but the fact is that Firkin unearthed something while doing due diligence that put up a red flag is very worrying.

Agree0 0Disagree

22 Jul 2024 14:33:58
Any truth in the rumour we are very close to signing Gnonto for £20 million but Leeds want £25 million, report saying a deal is close.

Believable0 0Unbelievable

22 Jul 2024 16:34:23
All of our deals are about 20% short of coming off!

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23 Jul 2024 09:52:34
Leeds playing hardball over the price, under no immediate threat to sell (even though you'd think that was the case)

Gnonto recently changed agency, and is keen on the move again, but Leeds and EFC still fair distance apart in valuation.

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21 Jul 2024 19:49:25
Reports saying the Freidkin group pulled out of the chance to purchase Everton because of unresolvable issues, that does not sound good at all.

Believable2 0Unbelievable

21 Jul 2024 22:20:53
GB, I think it means Moshiri wanted more money that Freidkin was willing to pay.

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21 Jul 2024 23:47:24
The issue is with the 200m loan from 777 who appear to have got it from a-cap. Both are accused of fraud and have law suits against them, so nobody really knows what is going to happen with this in the future. So it will take someone with big balls to take this sh*t show on.

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22 Jul 2024 06:39:36
Reading that moshiri wants £50 million and annual payments for the next 10 years to walk away.

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20 Jul 2024 16:19:29
Three bidders already for Everton after Freidkin pulled out, here we go again.

Believable3 0Unbelievable

20 Jul 2024 17:07:38
Who has bid GB?

Agree3 0Disagree

20 Jul 2024 17:35:51
That’s just one journalists opinion GB. Doesn’t back it up with any names mate. We shall see.

Agree3 0Disagree

20 Jul 2024 18:08:08
Vatche Manoukian consortium, Vici private finance and an unnamed one, report also saying Freidkin will come back.

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20 Jul 2024 19:21:02
It seemed that TFG were perfect for us
I think it's all brinkmanship now
Moshiri should take a hit and just go.

{Ed025's Note - he wants his pound of flesh dixie..

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20 Jul 2024 20:39:22
He wants £50 million for his worthless shares Ed no chance Freidkin would give him that.

Agree1 0Disagree

20 Jul 2024 22:33:12
No he wants his £450m back, and not a penny less.

Agree4 0Disagree

20 Jul 2024 23:23:25
Don’t think any of us know the details. We all just hope it can be figured out quickly and definitively so we can move on as a club.

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20 Jul 2024 23:49:29
I'd like to give him a couple of pounds of my flesh with what he's done to us ed.

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21 Jul 2024 12:40:39
Moshiri is a businessman and couldn’t care less about Everton or the fans. As Ed has alluded, my guess is he sells the stadium to get a chunk of his money back. It will be Everton that pays as without owning that stadium, we don’t stand to benefit at all and might as well have stayed at goodison!

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21 Jul 2024 20:26:09
I think 50 million is a realistic figure, he previously wanted 500 million.

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22 Jul 2024 02:16:45
Uran, not sure if the figures are correct but I imagine it’s £50m on top of the £400m of loans to the club Moshiri wants back not just £50m.

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22 Jul 2024 08:16:30
I quite liked the idea of the Freidkin takeover. Hope they can get a few well financed partners to come in with them.

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22 Jul 2024 08:28:32
The russian mafia can be very demanding when they want their money back.

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