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29 Jun 2024 08:33:02
I am no expert here but if Everton have only sold Dobbin and Godfrey this month then they must assume that's enough to avoid any further penalties? I may be wrong but surely the accounts must have a grip on this? I'm guessing with the huge reduction in salaries they're also hoping the next financial year is in a much better place?

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29 Jun 2024 09:12:02
As you said Swinners, we can only hope and assume that those in the know have a secure plan. It looks precise from the outside. Shaping up to be a far more encouraging transfer window than we expected.

{Ed025's Note - absolutely JB..

29 Jun 2024 10:33:25
How 12 months on we have so much more optimism, love it.
Let’s hope this forum gets back to the great banter of a few years back and stops us all from being back seat accountants.

{Ed025's Note - amen to that Chalkie mate..

29 Jun 2024 15:01:29
Build it and they will come.

29 Jun 2024 18:15:17
Very true FBS, that new stadium is more important to us than anything else right now.

30 Jun 2024 09:41:34
Premiership safety first for me. Stadium second. Giving Doris a new tea trolley third. Offloading over paid squad players and replacing them it’s decent youth fourth.

My Thoughts On Liverpool's Upcoming Season

29 Jun 2024 07:39:08
{Ed's Note - Thefields has posted a new article entitled, My Thoughts On Liverpool's Upcoming Season

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28 Jun 2024 15:30:57
What a difference Thelwell is making to our transfer strategy.

Bringing in young hungry players like McNeil, Onana and Garner. Then bringing in the right type of experienced players like Tarks, Gana and Coady.

He's then got rid of a lot of poor, aged or declining players on stupid wages like Tosun, Gomes, , alliance, Rondon, Delph, Sig, Allan, Kean, Mina, Davies and Townsend. Don't get me wrong some of thme done okay but let's face none really took us on a level.

He's also got us good money for players like iwobo, gray, cannon, simms, Gordon even Ricky under pressure from the club, bringing in an estimated £150m over the last 2 years and reducing a crippling wage bill.

Excited so far but more still needed this summer and the ones linked do excite. So keep it positive people but it looks like we finally got a DOF that knows what the job is.


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28 Jun 2024 16:28:08
He's doing good BJU, but I can't help thinking what Brands could of done if there was no interference from all board members.

28 Jun 2024 16:34:18
He has also bought a load of tripe.

28 Jun 2024 19:56:01
Maybe Dentie but he put some players on crazy wages and it's took a while to start shifting them.

Not everyone will be a huge success but the tripe have mainly been loan deals and they are loan deals for a reason.

Actual purchases Skylark Maupay is the one that stands out for me personally. I still think there is a goalscorer in Beto. Whoelse would you say is tripe that we've bought?

28 Jun 2024 22:24:52
Most of them have been tripe mate.

28 Jun 2024 22:34:51
Well Delle was a poor signing wasn’t he!

29 Jun 2024 07:28:29
Who said he wanted these players.

29 Jun 2024 08:31:51
He didn't sign Delle Swinners. Thelwell joined Feb 22, Delle was Jan 22.

Can someone get Skylark a happy pill please?

His purchased are


I'd argue we'd make money on Dwight, Onana, Chermitti and Garner. Obviously Gana we wouldn't due to his age but he was a brilliant signing. Maupay is a bad one but he wasn't a huge outlay and Beto I think with minutes on the pitch would score goals but he just hasn't settled into this team. Young has experience and can play in a few roles. I'm not a massive fan and there have been times he's looked like Joe Biden but as a free there's very little risk. The rest have been loans and that's usually hit and miss.

He's had to do this with a back drop of severe financial restraints. This window has started well and I can't remember us signing 3 players this early before.

29 Jun 2024 09:07:18
To me that's a terrible list of players mate.

{Ed025's Note - you have to get with the programme Skylark, most of us are in a good place with the things that are happening at the club recently mate, you need to get on board my friend and share the love, turn that frown upside down because for the first time in a long while the smiles are back and its all looking good, if you cant enjoy that then whats the point?..

29 Jun 2024 11:20:58
Believe it or not I'm a lot happier Ed, but I'm no fan of thelwell and that list of players is terrible.
I will sit on the fence for a while regarding our new owner as I've been let down by the past owners, it's like I've heard it all before
Sorry for being a miserable old sod.

{Ed025's Note - i have been as miserable as anyone Skylark but we have to be forward thinking now i suggest mate, if it all goes tits up then we can always revert to normality but for now lets give the new owners and the staff our backing and see if that positivity shines through, well im going to anyway..

28 Jun 2024 14:35:18
Hope the Phiolgene rumours are true and that we can steal a march on the other teams interested. This lad is class, think it's a long shot unfortunately.

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Cuiabano: The Roberto Carlos regen?

28 Jun 2024 07:39:09
{Ed's Note - Dillinger has posted a new article entitled, Cuiabano: The Roberto Carlos regen?

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27 Jun 2024
New image uploaded to the
Everton Player Sightings page entitled, Ashley Young reason for staying at Everton

Click picture for larger image

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28 Jun 2024 03:56:53

28 Jun 2024 09:22:26
I think Seamus was one the the ball boys on that occasion.

28 Jun 2024 22:42:14
Ha well played Sir.

27 Jun 2024
New image uploaded to the
Everton Player Sightings page entitled,

Click picture for larger image

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27 Jun 2024 22:11:30
At last, it now beginning to look like we have leadership for our great club, something that has been lacking over the past years.

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27 Jun 2024 22:02:34
In the next couple of seasons we will see how good a centre back Ben Godfrey is. We signed him as one then stuck him at left/ right back most of the time as we had nobody else to do it. He had good bad and indifferent games there but always gave 100% for the club without complaint. Good Luck in the future Ben go and prove the doubters wrong.

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28 Jun 2024 07:28:06
Sorry but he wasnt good enough, even at left back or right back in the air he is weak, and that's why he wasnt preferred over tarks and brathwaite, goodluck to him thou.

28 Jun 2024 09:34:52
Liked Godfrey but felt his marking wasn’t always at its best. Tended to switch off at times. Maybe the Italian league will suit his style of play, good luck to him.

28 Jun 2024 14:10:55
He was good when he first came, looked like we had a decent cb on our hands. Unfortunately, he was never the same player after covid. Whether that was because it affected him a lot more than we could imagine or he just couldn't dislodge those players ahead in the pecking order is open to debate.
Always gave 100% when called into the squad, playing out of position on many occasions without moaning. I wish him all the best if he does go.

{Ed025's Note - yeah me too BP, always came across as a nice lad..

28 Jun 2024 22:58:31
Just a shame we couldn’t get more for him.

27 Jun 2024 07:48:12
Hey Ed 025 good to see you are being positive again mate, been a hard time eh, but definately getting better, new owner new ground and at last most of all new players, have to say I did tell you this would happen, what a difference buddy, the Sun is shining and it's a lovely Blue Sky.

{Ed025's Note - i must admit GB im feeling the love mate, i know its early days but i feel more positive as an Evertonian than i have in years, im not saying we will be top half or anything and obviously things can change but bring it on i say..

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27 Jun 2024 16:08:25
Really looking forward to the season will have some good new players in so bring it on eh.

27 Jun 2024 17:55:06
Looking like light at end of the tunnel and hopefully it's a bright light. Stadium going to be massive. Looking to sort out creativity and goals at front end to build on a solid defence. Trust in the decision makers and understand thinking and pro active planning.

Also got a manager who although not everyone's cuppa tea is the right man and a new ownership who promise better decision making.

Can look on here not fearing Ed002 rightly saying we are going bust and were run by the most incompetent accountant and heading for oblivion.

27 Jun 2024 19:32:55
Football, bust one day boom the next??‍♂️.

27 Jun 2024 11:49:03
Reading Minteh has turned down a deal with Lyon, Hope yet then that we can get him.

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27 Jun 2024 18:17:16
He’s desperate to sign for us. Hope we can make it happen.

27 Jun 2024 19:34:33
Maybe have to wait until July.

27 Jun 2024 19:34:45
Maybe have to wait until July.


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