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05 Jun 2024 19:03:35
Robert krat supposedly interested in buying us owns the new England patriots. Worth 11 an a half billion.


{Ed002's Note - Kraft is looking for a Premier League club and there have been recent talks with another club. I cannot see him being keen on taking on the debt that Everton has which makes it very unattractive unless Moshiri were to sell it for a nominal £1 or writes off the £450M of loans to the club. The worth of Kraft is of zero consequence.

1.) 05 Jun 2024 19:37:45
He needs to be worth at least a pound.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 19:57:01
Let’s face it: Moshiri isn’t going to sell unless he recoups as much of his money as he can. The longer he clings on, the more desperate our situation is going to get.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 21:28:11
Ed, this may be a rhetorical question, but how bad does one have to be at running a club to get to the -1.2 billion debt you mentioned elsewhere?

Has there been a worse example of ownership?

Or was this all someone’s pyramid money laundering scheme gone awry?

{Ed002's Note - Of course, Anzhi Makhachkala.}

4.) 05 Jun 2024 23:30:55
They had Eto’o as well.

Bad talisman. We are going defunct. ?.



01 May 2024 13:54:20
Eds do any of you know why moshiri hasn't started talking yo other potential buyers yet will all this poltava going on with 777 and do you know who the other interested parties are.


{Ed002's Note - Obviously he has spoken with MSP.}

1.) 01 May 2024 17:20:46
Is there anymore parties interested though ed.

{Ed002's Note - To the best of my knowledge efforts have been made to find other investors without luck. Mid May or late May if 777 get a further extension.}

2.) 01 May 2024 17:41:59
Ed you’re sensible and knowledgeable - have you any idea why moshiri is still entertaining 777 taking us over?

They’ve had 8 months to do it but we appear no further along and still haven’t had premier league clearance - to the majority of people looking in at the situation it clearly looks like it’ll never happen and if does will be a massive failure, so why is he still entertaining the idea?

{Ed002's Note - Moshiri does not have anyone else willing to pay for his shareholding. MSP looked originally at a 25% shareholding but if the debt is not paid in May then they have the option to take effective control. Finding another buyer given the huge debts will be the reason nobody is keen.}

3.) 01 May 2024 18:25:48
Thanks Ed top class knowledge as usual.



10 Apr 2024 15:30:35
Apparently 777 have ask for the deadline to be extended for funding or something.


1.) 10 Apr 2024 17:49:09
The Times are reporting that 777 want more time to find the funds but are prepared to provided the day to day funding until the end of the season.

2.) 10 Apr 2024 17:59:00
If they’re struggling to get funds together then that is very worrying.

3.) 10 Apr 2024 21:38:56
Why don't the premier league just grow a set of balls an tell moshiri 777 aren't buying the club so find a new buyer asap.

{Ed025's Note - because they want us to implode financially?..

4.) 11 Apr 2024 07:31:36
They are joke 777 and so our prem.



14 Mar 2024 16:01:11
Ed is it true that mosri is will to let us go into administration.


{Ed002's Note - I doubt that is the case, if it were the case he would have done it before the first charge.}

1.) 14 Mar 2024 17:59:26
Was reading that apparently we have £600 million of debt at the moment and growing and Everton would not be worth buying, above my head all this.

{Ed002's Note - it has become totally pointless trying to explain anything to the Everton fans I am afraid.}

2.) 14 Mar 2024 19:56:02
With the greatest of respect ed002

1) . You have more knowledge and close contact than we do.
2) . We are genuinely concerned
3) . A little patience and understanding from your side would not go amiss.
4) . You are to many of us the most reliable source of information.

3.) 14 Mar 2024 21:04:02
I think 100 mil of that 600 is to finish the stadium.

{Ed025's Note - yes it is Shakey..



10 Mar 2024 20:44:18
Apparently a firm involved with the 777 partners has just pulled 1.57 billion pounds of there assets away from 777 because they don't trust them. This is very worrying.


1.) 10 Mar 2024 21:08:59
Old news that mate, and may not be true.

2.) 14 Mar 2024 14:22:18
Now there is news that at the meeting with the Premier league it emerged that 777 have had investment from a Russian oligarch with ties to Putin in 2018. If it is true then it just seems to get worse. I just hope FM can find another buyer soon.

{Ed002's Note - Don't over play it. He is an existing investor.}

3.) 16 Mar 2024 22:42:58
To ed 2. Keith wyness said in a colum a few weeks ago, something alomg the lines of there is a rival bidder waiting to hijack the everton take over.
I can't remember if he said they waiting for 777 to fail or a period of time to lapse so they could legally bid. Any truth?

{Ed002's Note - There are certainly vultures awaiting to pick at the scraps should 777's bid fail but they are also already owed a huge amount of money by Everton.




Shakey301's banter posts with other poster's replies to Shakey301's banter posts


19 Jul 2024 11:15:03
What a absolute s#×t show this is take over talks ended.




29 May 2024 10:00:47
Hi eds just a little question, what happens if we go into administration in the off season do we start the new season on negative points.


{Ed002's Note - Yes. -9 points.}

1.) 29 May 2024 13:22:15
-9 points would just be the tip of the iceberg.

2.) 29 May 2024 15:15:04
Ed if we were to go into administration this summer, would that push back any further charges of PSR next season, you said previously you could see us getting a transfer ban, on that if we were to get a couple of "obligation to buy loans" in this summer and say we got a transfer ban next season, would we still be able to complete and register these in the summer of 2025.

Thanks for your valued input along with other Eds, pretty much on the money with majority of stuff so much appreciated ?.

{Ed002's Note - They are separate issues - a transfer ban means that the club cannot register new players - if they have already agreed transfers then that is OK. Loans with an obligation to buy would be an issue to the Premier League.}

3.) 29 May 2024 16:02:03
Thanks Ed, didn't think be so easy. Read Thelwell says we will be looking at that market, suspect they have a good idea of the obstacles we need to overcome in terms of any purchases and the limited finances if any available this summer/ January.

4.) 29 May 2024 16:58:08
You would hope that Thelwell and the team have being putting the hours in to have all/ most of the answers to these issues wouldn't you Mocker.

They have had plenty of time to assess what needs to be done and what type of moves we can make in the market. If they haven't got a rough list of potentials that we can try and get in, then we really are up s*** creek mate.

Heres hoping for a summer where we can see a few decent frees and loans come in to boost the squad and at least plug some of the holes left from the outgoings mate.

5.) 29 May 2024 17:19:40
You certainly would bluenose. Tbf to them it can't be a easy sale to potential players.

Just hopefully get a crop that are prepared to fight for the club, see it being more Ashley Young experienced heads to guide us through until the finances and takeover is done and we are in the stadium if that is it does turn out be ours.

Definitely depressing times and realism needed, last thing we need is more upheaval with Dyche going or saying sod this.



07 May 2024 15:10:05
Share holders have urged moshiri to pull out of the 777 deal.


1.) 07 May 2024 15:46:42
Yeah read that Shakes hope it’s true mate.

2.) 07 May 2024 16:44:57
Does he not own most of them lol.

3.) 07 May 2024 17:46:30
Like he’s going to take any notice of them. He’s got 94%, he will do what the feck he wants.



10 Dec 2023 16:06:04
I didn't want sean to be manger, oh boy how wrong was I I definitely think we have the right man steering this ship now.
Well done to all the boys today finally it's starting to look like us blue fans have something to be happy about ?.




08 Dec 2023 07:56:37
We ran for every second of that game an I've been impressed with myk the last few games well impressed with everyone last night give us tha week in week out an we are going places.


1.) 08 Dec 2023 12:45:58
That's all we can ask Shakey301. 100 percent effort for 100 minutes is entertainment. Loved every minute, rode our luck but reaped the reward. Nothing taken away from Newcastle either they are a good side.




Shakey301's rumour replies


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14 May 2024 20:19:22
Someone's being paid off, he has extended the deadline again till the end of the month I think this maybe the third time the deadlines been extended. What is the point in setting a deadline in the first place.


{Ed025's Note - its all a bit underhand for my liking Shakey..



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13 May 2024 10:35:00
Not just any 30 year old though is it it's England's number 1.




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06 May 2024 16:06:28
I've just red a article stating wealthey Arab's will make there interest known this week.




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05 May 2024 15:10:13
I don't think he owned the dodgers he was only general manager.
I can't find his net worth anywhere wonder what he's worth.




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01 May 2024 18:25:48
Thanks Ed top class knowledge as usual.





Shakey301's banter replies


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09 Jun 2024 17:17:32
Ed do premier league club owners actually make money though with the gigantic costs of running a club.


{Ed025's Note - they can do Shakey, look at the Glazers who have skimmed millions off united, and FSG the same, only they have reinvested their profit into the club and now it is worth an amazing amount, a well run club will thrive not only survive mate and thats why the money men are making moves..



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19 May 2024 14:13:26
Cheers ed02.




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18 May 2024 18:06:35
Ed02 does it still leave a huge problem if msp take over an turn the 200+ million into shares.


{Ed002's Note - You don't understand I am afraid. You can't turn other people's debt in to shares.}



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15 May 2024 19:25:03
Teams send scouts all over the planet and they have there own youth systems if local youths are deemed good enough they get signed up.




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11 May 2024 10:08:56
Not really they let it drag on for months more than it should of.




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