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29 May 2024 14:44:27
Personally I don't think Branthwaite will be sold this season, reckon we have him for another year then he'll be off and for a massive fee, get rid of our 6 or 7 duds and start again, perfect time to do it.

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29 May 2024 15:20:26
He will go GB. He is our most sellable asset and profit on him is huge. Love seeing him stay bud but got to be realistic, just hope he doesn't tarnish his reputation with us fans by playing up and demanding a move.

As for the other "6 or 7" who are they GB? And we need find buyers, not easy mate.

Just hope we assemble a squad to stay competitive and survive, hopefully Sean gets the support of us supporters as he ain't getting any support elsewhere especially from those above.

I will say it now, would take 17th next season.

29 May 2024 15:35:40
We’ve already significantly reduced the wage bill by losing Dele and Gomes. DCL, Pickford, Branthwaite and Onana are the most obvious saleable assists. Keane, Maupay, Godfrey and Beto could go too. They’ll be clubs sniffing around our youth players too I reckon. Could easily see 6 or 7 go, and 2 loans and a few free transfers to come in. Not exciting from a footballing point of view.

29 May 2024 17:00:07
Depends on who we bring in JB, couple of shrewd loans and some hidden gems and it could be exciting.

However so much doom and gloom around the club at the moment it’s quite hard to see any positives or much to get excited about at the moment.

29 May 2024 17:32:31
Still think he will stay this season myself.

29 May 2024 17:35:10
No way 17th Mocker we would have been around 11 th but for the deduction and we went so many games losing, Sean will be up for this I say top a 12 place, it’s not going to be all doom mate keep the Blue faith.

29 May 2024 18:28:50
GB. Our squad will be a lot weaker mate. Next season is going to be another struggle mate. If we were to keep our squad intact then yes a 12th position wouldn't be out of reach.

We will be weaker next season no question in what could be yet another critical season for the club. Not all doom and gloom mate no but not a lot to be uplifted about but am realistic to see what we are up against GB.

29 May 2024 20:41:00
How we fare next season depends on what happens behind the scenes. If we get more points taken off us before a ball is kicked then it is going to be a hard slog. If the 777 bid, as is widely expected, falls through then we have to start the process again with new potential buyers, all the while amassing more debt. If that's the case, the likes of JB, AO and possibly JP and DCL might have to be sold to keep us running as a club. At this point, I don't think we can rule anything out.

30 May 2024 09:12:42
If they are all sold bluepotato, our season is doomed to relegation.

I wish we never went for a new stadium now!

30 May 2024 13:27:07
Agree with GB have a sneaky feeling branthwaite will stay for 1 more season. I think he will be priced out of a move and having had 1 full season in the prem I don't think clubs will pay the asking price. Onana I think will definitely go and can go with my blessing!

30 May 2024 13:38:30
You could well be right there, BR. I'm actually glad we have a new stadium, it's the only thing that we have to look forward to! I just wish we never sold out to FM and AU, they have ripped the soul out of the club in 7 or 8 years. For an accountant, his adding up doesn't, pardon the pun, add up.

30 May 2024 21:31:26
Doesn’t staying in the Premier League make you look forward bluepotato? I can’t wait for next season without deductions.

31 May 2024 00:08:47
I'm just trying to get over this one just gone, GB! Until we know what's going on with the takeover and who we might need to sell, I'm not even really looking that far ahead pal. Just hoping for some good news to come out of the club for a change, it's been a crazy few years mate.



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