Everton banter 57926


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15 Jun 2024 17:24:57
I'm sure this hypothetical question would get me shot down by one of the eds, but here goes.

In theory. What is to stop Everton and Chelsea agreeing to essentially scratch each others backs by selling DCL and Broja to each other at an inflated price in order to circumvent FFP. If we sell DCL to them for £50m and buy Broja for £50m both of us would get most of that as profit this season, and spread the rest over long contracts going forward. Win win.

{Ed002's Note - I have no idea what you are proposing. Sorry}

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15 Jun 2024 23:16:17
If we both sell for the same money how does that help, we are the same.

16 Jun 2024 07:30:15
In other words swap them? I'm confused ?.

16 Jun 2024 00:04:22

I think he suggesting both overpay for players and it looks good both books but that would just leave us both in same boat.

{Ed002's Note - Why would Chelsea be interested in doing anything like that?}

16 Jun 2024 05:45:16
What he's saying is we sell DCL for 59m
As we bought him for peanuts and he's only got 1 year left on his contract we could book the vast majority of the sale as profit in the year ending June 2024

If we then bought Broja for 50m the 50m would be spread over the term of his contract, let's say 5 years. The first 10m (50 divided by 5) would be booked in the year 24/ 25 so the year following the booking of the profit on DCL

It would help profitability for year ending 30 June 2024 but does little or nothing for sustainability i. e. avoiding Administration

I can't tell you if it is legal but it's what would happen with unrelated transfers so why not?

{Ed002's Note - I really would advide you to stay clear of the finances.}

16 Jun 2024 11:05:03
As a qualified accountant I'd be interested why you think that Ed instead of a bland dismissal. It looks to me that you are the one staying clear of explaining yourself.

{Ed002's Note - Because you clearly have no idea about football finances. And as an accountant one would have thought you would know whether it was legal or not.}

16 Jun 2024 11:32:45
Welcome to the naughty step bw mate.

16 Jun 2024 14:33:18
Let’s leave any potential illegal stuff away from the club. City and Chelsea have done illegal stuff in the past which is coming to light and I hope they are dealt with accordingly. I only wonder what skeletons are in the cupboard at other clubs. Think it was Ed01 who alluded to there being a lot of corruption at the top.



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