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05 Jun 2024 15:02:26
When you're up to your ass in alligators it's easy to forget your main objective was to drain the pond.
In this respect both Dyche annd Thelwell seem in agreement on effectively ditching or certainly totally ignoring youth player development is short sighted and detrimental to the future.
Who, with an agree of ability and potential would want to join such a setup.
A better development plan would be identify the best of the u23's and during the close season have the likes of Baines and Coleman, for an hour a day after training, give one to one coaching sessions.
In a structured training plan for defenders the
Plan would include spatial awareness - always being aware where the player you are marking is but also being able to anticipate potential developing situations, body positioning - never being in a position where you are square on and unable to react quickly. irrespective of whether you are facing an opponent with a right or left footed preference, how to effectively close down an opponent, when to commit to attack without exposing your position to a counterattack.
All this can be coached and demonstrated and as a youngster I would make the approach personally because I feel sure the likes of Seamus and Leighton would be only to willing to give and hour a day to young players with the will to improve.
Although it would be a degree unfair to pour cold water on a really good finish to last season, I still harbour doubts on our scouting and recruitment process.
I appreciate its water under the bridge, but to have ignored Wharton for £18m plus add ons, whose ability was clearly evident and within the age criteria which has already seen his value skyrocket and then spend £25m, albeit on delayed payment, on Beto. who will never cut it in the EPL is totally inexcusable.
Hopefully someone within the club can do the maths on our exact financial situation and factor in if losing the spine of the team is preferable to any potential points deduction.

Agree1 Disagree0

05 Jun 2024 17:32:07
Don't worry Fancy, apparently we are after De Cordova-reid from Fulham and he's only 31?
Agree with most of what you say though mate.

05 Jun 2024 18:21:10
Totally agree with you Fancy. We are skint and we need a brilliant youth set up so we don't need to get into more and more debt buying players. Unfortunately as you say, either Dyche or Thelwell don't believe in youth. Youth set up was good under Brands, but apart from getting wage bill down by selling our top players or releasing players, I fail to see what the point in Thelwell there is.

05 Jun 2024 23:13:39
It's not just those two though to be fair, most of the managers we've had in the FM era have obviously felt the same. Our youth set up just isn't good enough, player wise. I'd say the proof is in the pudding, I highly doubt that any of those released will end up moving to a premier league team as their next move. Possibly lucky if any make it to the championship.
I think there is a change needed in the way the U23 leagues are ran. The current system doesn't really set players up for Premier League football leaving some players to come through an academy but not get a sniff of 1st team football until they are close to 22. Its crazy really. Bring back the old reserve leagues, let the kids play against quality players who are coming back from injuries etc. It would be of more value to them than this system right now.

06 Jun 2024 03:27:13
What makes you say the youth setup was good under Brands Dentie? Can't think of any players that made it into the first team!

06 Jun 2024 07:06:30
What do you think they are training then in everyday. It ain't how to make crocodile shoes.

Anyway, if the players were good enough they would have been given a contract but they weren't. A couple of them have been and kept on. Dyche does like young players so you all have to stop with this. The example? Branthwaite and Dobbin both clearly good enough. The others weren't.

A new batch will be brought up now and if we're very lucky maybe 1 or 2 will make it.

06 Jun 2024 09:55:25
BJU, it was only through pressure from the supporters that forced Dyche to replace Keane with Branthwaite, otherwise he would have been sold back to the Dutch team for buttons.

06 Jun 2024 12:27:08
JB wasn't going anywhere. He didn't start the season as he had been away on international duty with the U21s and maybe needed a bit more time to recover and gain fitness. SD rang him when he was on loan and told him he would be part of his future plans.

06 Jun 2024 13:34:47
Being honest I'm glad they are doing this, I think Everton have kept players around way past there best and who won't make it, sometime players have to go down to come back up but some never make it, ability isn't always what is required, a lot of mental strength and some kids just don't have it, ok infront of family, just not 40 thousand fans.



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