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26 May 2024 17:47:03
Please let us not waste the little money available on players that will turn up and make a difference once every 3 or 4 games. Leeds are to stay in the championship and please let Jack Harrison return to them to help them because he does not have the pedigree/ skill to get us up the table. There simply has to be better out there rather than continue down the road of using money poorly on players that are at an age at which it becomes evident they are not going to improve.
just my opinion but I bet there are loads of Evertonians that are of the same mind. Fresh faces on reasonable contracts. not older players who will suck us dry without a good return on the investment! High time for some intelligent moves in the transfer market, uncovering the hidden gems, in a landscape which covers, though our scouting dept have yet to cotton on, the far reaches of England and 194 other countries.

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26 May 2024 18:19:11
Doubt be much incomings Chico that ain't frees or loans. But yeah ideally way we should be going as a club.

26 May 2024 21:25:59
Good post chico mate.

26 May 2024 23:46:10
No pedigree?

I can’t remember the last player that hit anything like the numbers below, apart from Richarlison.

2020/ 2021 - 8 goals 10 assists
2021/ 2022 - 8 goals 1 assists
2022/ 2023 - 5 goals 8 assists

Amazing what happens when you play a player in his actual position isn’t it.

27 May 2024 10:40:05
And Richarlison was regularly played out of position.

27 May 2024 12:44:59
Yeah tbf, he was played out of position wasn't he. Played out of position, in the same position he starts for possibly the greatest national team in history and also where the team that paid us 60m for him, plays him. Mental that.

27 May 2024 16:32:56
Might be the greatest national team in history, but they are no longer the greatest national team.
We played Richarlison out wide and down the middle, and during his time playing down the middle he struggled through lack of service. Ring any bells.
The team that paid 60m for him sit him on the bench mate. Now that is mental.

27 May 2024 17:27:44
He played down the middle when Dom’s injury struggles started and he still managed 15 goal involvements.

He was behind arguably one of the greatest strikers the league has seen in his first season at Spurs. This season, unfortunately, he has had his fair share of injuries. When fit an available, he has actually played a fair bit. 11 goals and 4 assists isn’t bad going for about 1500 minutes of football.

27 May 2024 20:24:15
15 goal involvements really. I read somewhere that the Spuds manager doesn’t rate him, and that he is moving on this summer. Obviously not scoring enough eh??‍♂️.

27 May 2024 23:09:30


2020/ 2021 - 5 goals and 0 assists
2021/ 2022 - 5 goals and 2 assists


2020/ 2021 - 2 goals and 3 assists
2021/ 2022 - 5 goals and 3 assists

RW (9 games)

2020/ 2021 - 2 goals and 1 assists
2021/ 2022 - 0 goals and 0 assists

Whether Postecoglou rates him or not is up to him and what he deems as scorning enough is also up to him. 11 goals in 1500 minutes of football (roughly 16 games) .

Each to their own but it's a bit strange to move on your 2nd top scorer, if you ask me.



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