23 Jun 2023 09:24:42
Actually chaps Dyche didn't keep us up. Leeds and Leicester kept us up. The form of all three teams was woeful. So for me we should not be celebrating just yet.
We've lost Mina, who arguably made all the difference in the last few games. Coady we didn't think 4m+ was worth it despite being short of C/ Bs?
If we don't spend in this window then are hit with sanctions once the hearing is complete, we may not be allowed to sign anyone in January.
We all know this current squad cannot carry us through another season, regardless of who the manager is. And we can't bank on three teams being worse than us again.
So no celebration from me until we see what direction the club plan to go in. So far it's all talk and nothing else.

1.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 09:41:38
I’d imagine we didn’t take the option to buy Coady as we’ve no money to spend on this reporting period.

Maybe things will improve July 1st, however I think we’ll see more outgoings before we see any incomings.

2.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 09:46:42
So basically what you're saying is if we would have stuck with Lampard we would have stayed up as there were 3 worse teams. Utter tosh.

3.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 10:16:27
Lamps I think wd have had us down weeks b4 the end of the season. Fortunately Dyche was brought in last gasp and I think saved us!

4.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 10:32:20
Don't think he is saying that Big Reg. Just making excuses for his side of the story. He's obviously entitled to say all he has as anyone else is to disagree.

Not getting relegated is not really anything to celebrate. In my opinion we were pretty much already relegated before he came in and he stopped it from happening. I'm delighted we stayed up. Doesn't appear Worburnblues is.

5.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 10:37:12
What a load of tripe of course Sean kept us up.

6.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 11:35:40
Currently we have nothing to celebrate

Barely escaping relegation is nothing to celebrate and currently we are weaker than we ended last season

Name one ruddy thing that has been sorted out since the season ended?

WE are the proverbial rudderless ship without a captain, without a crew and without any life boats. We haven't even got a press officer that can keep their word.

7.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 11:42:35
The other teams were worse than us very true, however SD was eventually forced on the ''board'' as the Lampard reign was in free-fall.
If that ''board'' would have had an ounce of savvy Sean would have been here before the end of the world cup and relegation worries IMO would have been a distant memory well before they were.

8.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 11:46:18
Did I mention Lampard? Read it again before you talk nonsense.

9.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 12:06:53
No need to read it again. You said Dyche didn't keep us up. Do you think we would have stayed up if Lampard had stayed till the end of the season?

10.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 12:38:40
We all know Sean kept us up, well most of, no argument then.

11.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 12:51:10
Totally GuernseyBlue. Looks like Worburnblues and bw are not at all happy that we managed to stay in the PL. Due to who? ?

Have yet to see anyone say we should celebrate missing out on relegation. Has been said to be glad about it though.

12.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 13:20:53
we will spend this window, as we may be banned from transfers in january.

13.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 13:24:45
I have to disagree about Dyche not keeping us up I think that is a bit harsh. Yes we were crap but his tactics IMO gave us the opportunity to gain points we may not have got had he not been in charge. I do agree though if the other three teams hadn't been as crap we would have gone down. Also agree there is a lot of work to be done before we can start truly celebrating, however, I for one am happy we didn't get relegated.

14.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 14:09:20
This coming from the same people who were moaning when he wouldn’t make subs. Moaning when he played Maupay. And I guarantee you will all be moaning if we start poorly.
At no point have I mentioned wanting him sacked. What I have said and still believe is that we were very lucky to survive relegation. Just look at our points total .
What I won’t do is jump on this deluded bandwagon you’re all on thinking we did well to stay up. We were crap and we were just lucky. But luck doesn’t last forever.

15.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 17:54:09
We did well to stay up from the position Dyche found us in. That was his job, and he did it, regardless of stating 11s, subs or anything else. Those are the facts.
Will he do well next season, who knows? He needs to be able to sign some players to have a chance.

16.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 19:52:57
Your stating everyone else's case in that last post Worburnblues. Never moaned about Dyche, Maupay or making subs. Won't be moaning if we start bad either. Why? Because it's not Dyches fault. He has done extremely well with what was at his disposal. No one said we were good. It's the contrary and testament to Dyche we did.

You are after saying we were lucky to have avoided relegation yet won't say you are happy we avoided it. We were crap and we were lucky to stay up in mosts opinion Dyche had a big part to play in that if not all. Was it also pot luck that he managed to do what he did with Burnley?

17.) 23 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023 22:54:55
Didn’t Burnley get relegated?
I’m not happy we stayed up, I’m relieved we stayed up. In the 55 years I’ve followed this club I have never seen us relegated. And I don’t want to see us relegated. But I won’t blindly believe that everything is going to be ok just because we survived.
Just look at our motto . It’s not only just is good enough.

18.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 00:02:28
Anyone coming in to replace Lampard could have done well. We didn't dig ourselves out of it. Other results helped. We are not top 6, so forget big name managers, we are not top 10 with ability to go to top 6, so forget successful managers looking to try themselves against the elite in the Champions league, we are rock bottom and the manager we have is probably amongst others who have bottom of the table experience. Let's back him and hope the club does too.

19.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 10:15:21
Burnley did get relegated but like always Worburnblues you are neglecting the point. He over achieved at Burnley. When he took over they were no great shakes. He took them to Europe and over achieved with what was at his disposal. What other manager could of done that with Burnley?

Yes, they got relegated was that because Dyche was incapable or that to keep them in the PL with what he had incapable? Personally I would go with the later as he was there for what 10 years and they improved massively over that time.

The exact same as he done at Everton last season. Which he will hopefully do next season. I haven't seen anyone say everything is or will be ok. Some have said we are going in the right direction which is all I'm saying. NBTB, nothing but the best.

20.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 10:30:16
Where did I mention Dyche in my post NBTB?

If I had of I would have said he did a good job helping us to avoid relegation

My point was despite narrowly avoiding it for a second season we have gone backwards since the season ended. Our squad is even weaker now that it was then

I don't blame that on Dyche. I blame Moshiri, Kenwright and the board (both old and new)

Dyche and Thelwall can't fix it and that's not having a go at them. It's just my opinion on their influence within the club.

21.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 12:01:10
Never said you mentioned Dyche bw. Just that you don't seem glad we stayed up. That's all I mentioned in reference to you.

Agree with everything else you said more or less. The squad is weaker at the moment but that was inevitable. Reduce wage bill etc.

I am hopeful Dyche and Thelwell will fix it along with this takeover. Totally agree your point about their influence.

Also hopeful Moshiri and Bill have copped on. Allow the professionals to do their jobs. That along with the takeover that seems to be developing is the only hope we have.

The players that left simply had to go and its up to Dyche and Thelwell to rebuild the squad with whatever they have. It is possible, especially with new owners.

If there is no hope, may as well give up now. What else have we.

22.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 12:14:17
Just give up bw. People don’t really read the posts, they second guess what you’re trying to say. But it made for a healthy debate, time to move on mate.

23.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 13:44:58
I just don't have your faith that Moshiri and Bill have 'copped' on NBTB

If they had Moshiri wouldn't have joined the board and Bill wouldn't still be Chairman yet you think they are going to sit back and leave it to the 'professionals'

Moshiri wants his money back but he's too stupid to realise that once it's wasted it's gone

The other 3 have no experience of running a football club and are just there as YES men to offset any board members from the new investors

I'm sorry but that's the way I see it.

24.) 24 Jun 2023
24 Jun 2023 19:50:37
No need to be sorry at all. Everyone has their view and are perfectly entitled to it. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopeful they copped on but if they haven't there is still light at the end of the tunnel.

Moshiri wants out and new owners will come. Sounds like light at the end of the tunnel to me. We have no chance of surviving with Moshiri. At least with a different owner we may have.