Everton rumours 19267


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12 Jun 2024 12:18:20
Well that didn't last long a trusted journalist has been told that Bell backing the MSP bid would be bad news, first it was catastrophic, seismic, outrageous, earth shattering over 777 then fantastic, brilliant, speechless, awesome so many investors, then these so called in the know journalists and not one of them worth a pinch of salt, sensationalism, they know nowt.

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12 Jun 2024 15:10:28
They know as much as we do GB, the only one I trust to give us any reasonable information is Ed002. One thing that we do know is that we can't rely on Moshiri to do anything that is beneficial to Everton Football Club. He has been a disaster from the beginning. I don't really care if the new owners are Evertonians, we went through that one with Kenwright. I just want them to be good business men, know how to run a Football club and make us supporters proud of the club and the football played.

12 Jun 2024 15:38:44
Bell and Downing must trust this Dell family. Kenwright did what he thought was best for us in all his years as owner but could he really of trusted Moshiri? Or was he just dreaming of this Moshiri/ Usmanov partnership to get Everton to where they belong. Bell and Downing went through the Kenwright years so probs have a fair idea what not to do lol.

12 Jun 2024 16:23:03
Well I think Kenwright did what he thought was best for Kenwright, he sold to someone who would allow him to stay on as Chairman and he could keep his train set. He must have known that we were heading for financial disaster but allowed it to happen and had a hand in giving ridiculous wages and long contracts to mediocre players.

12 Jun 2024 18:54:25
Simple fact is a good business person that can also run a football club, and also please the fans is basically a rainbow coloured unicorn. What we need is just a good business man, and we need to hire someone who separately knows how to build a stable football club from a shoestring budget.



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