Everton rumours 19228


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10 May 2024 20:30:17
Evening Eds. I read somewhere that there had been discussions about creating a wages cap in the Prem. Do you think this will ever happen or is it all tosh?

{Ed002's Note - It is happening.}

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10 May 2024 20:37:16
Isn't that the very thing Jimmy railed against and to a for Bosman.

10 May 2024 23:12:56
Get ready for huge win bonuses.

10 May 2024 20:50:00
How do you think it will work Ed? I can’t see the likes of City not having a bench of players earning more than the whole of our first team….

{Ed002's Note - Pl are looking to align with the UEFA approach limiting clubs to spending 70% of their revenue on squad costs - transfers, wages and agents' fees - but initially limiting club not playing in Europe to spending 85% of their revenue on squad costs.}

11 May 2024 11:59:23
That wouldn't stand up to a Bosman style legal challenge.

{Ed001's Note - yes it would. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. There is nothing in that blocking a player from working like the old transfer system did. Why make a statement like that, when it is clear you know less than zero about it?}

11 May 2024 13:33:52
Bosman didn't/ doesn't work like that TL. I would refer it more to dear old Jimmy Hill, lauded for his efforts but what a can of worms that opened. My beef has always been and is with agents and the seeming stranglehold they have on the professional game. Mind you at least the Prem stayed/ stays away from 3rd Party. I would concentrate your worries more on the utter devastation Moshiris misguided trust
and naivety has wrought on our historical Club.

11 May 2024 16:44:23
My works has a car share scheme and a cycle to work scheme were we get bonuses. could they implement a scoring goal clean sheet assists etc sort of scheme to the players contracts ie just say DCL was on £70 grand a week but got £10 grand a goal and same for defender's for clean sheets and stuff like that or could that not happen? Least they might try more not that they don't earn fortune's as it is and should try anyway ?.

11 May 2024 17:07:20
Well bonus count as spend don't they. So it would count towards the 85% or 70% figure.

11 May 2024 22:27:37
Not a clue just thought the clubs with money would do it to try and get round the pay cap somehow ? l.

11 May 2024 23:11:23
The PFA are considering their position over this as it may create a hard cap on player wages. Similar was proposed and scrapped by the EFL. You also have a few clubs voting against the system, one being Man City who the PL are scared off. Intentionally or inadvertently you can't cap a players salary earning power.

12 May 2024 13:54:23
Thanks for the reply Ed. I assume the reason for the changes is to ensure clubs are more sustainable.

Do you think doing this will just make the top 6 stronger and move further away towards the Euro super league?

{Ed002's Note - It is not a cap on pay but aligning with UEFA to ensure clubs spend within their means. It means clubs will look to significant increases in sponsorship - with one pal club already negotiating deals for next summer which will bring a potentially huge increase for them.}



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