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09 Jun 2024 08:54:04
Can feel it in my boots, exciting time ahead for us at Everton, c'mon Ed025 all these investors can't be dodgy mate.

{Ed025's Note - its not that they are dodgy GB its finding one that fits, money is the greatest evil of all mate and you can bet your bottom dollar that someone will try and rip someone off or get shafted themselves...its just the way it works, it wont be an open and shut case of offering an amount and for it to be accepted im afraid, there will be a plethora of clauses and time lines, i would love it to be as easy as most seem to think it will...but i live in the real world...and this is Everton.. :)

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09 Jun 2024 10:21:04
True words Ed. As they say it's the hope that kills ya. But I am with GB on this that we might just turn the corner have better more positive days ahead. Football as with life bud goes in cycles so let's just hope we align with the right owners and our great club starts it's road back to the top table.

{Ed025's Note - that would be great Mocker of course, im certainly more hopeful than at any time recently that we have a chance of getting the ownership sorted mate..

09 Jun 2024 11:37:53
MSP seems a good bet Ed mate, after the debacle of the 777 saga.

{Ed025's Note - im certainly glad to see the back of 777 GB, but lets not think that the new owners will be benefactors mate they will be looking to make money rather than give it away, but if we dont go into administration and get ourselves on a firm financial footing i will be delighted..

09 Jun 2024 17:17:32
Ed do premier league club owners actually make money though with the gigantic costs of running a club.

{Ed025's Note - they can do Shakey, look at the Glazers who have skimmed millions off united, and FSG the same, only they have reinvested their profit into the club and now it is worth an amazing amount, a well run club will thrive not only survive mate and thats why the money men are making moves..

09 Jun 2024 20:37:11
Well the Everton board made a pretty penny that’s for sure.

{Ed025's Note - didn,t they just Harlex..



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