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17 May 2024 04:04:58
Would we accept any investor who could sort out our finances and free up money for transfers?

Do we reject billionaires whose country 'sport washes' to make it look better or are prepared to turn a blind eye?

Personally I don't care as long as they sort us out, what do other blues think? ??.

{Ed001's Note - would it have to be a country? Ineos is sportswashing just the same as any country, would you include a similar corporation that is trying to hide its sins through sport?}

Agree7 Disagree0

17 May 2024 08:58:55
It's getting to the point that anyone or thing that can actually pay it's bills and not lurch us into another financial disaster is a positive. Be that a state with questionable human rights or a corporate take over that needs to be associated with the EPL off set their sweat shops. Ideally it'd be some lifelong supporters who are amongst the richest on the planet who wants to plunder billions but let's get real.

17 May 2024 10:42:47
WelshTrucker. and FBS good posts a lot will agree with you, doubt there are many PremierClubs squeaky clean when it comes to finance eh.

17 May 2024 11:33:57
&:alot won't GB. Each to their own tho.

17 May 2024 12:48:11
Personally I will follow Everton until I die. I won't however, pay to watch them if some of my money will be used in a country, or by a corporation, that supports poor humanitarian rights, or puts people to death for speaking out. I would not be here if my grandparents had not fled Burma when the Japanese invaded, so, maybe my views are tainted. However, as Mocker says "each to their own".

{Ed002's Note - Fortunately you won't need to worry about that Nick.}

17 May 2024 13:06:21
How many liberal, ethical billionaires are there?

17 May 2024 13:57:32
Very true JB I think Moshiri is an Iranian, human rights as we know it exist over there,

{Ed002's Note - Iran was a very different state when he was born in the 1950s. He has lived in London and Monaco for many, many years.}

17 May 2024 14:18:57
Very true Ed and also best mates with Usmanov, politics and sport in are a definite no no.

17 May 2024 16:54:02
That rules out USA or uk investors out then Nick? The Saudi backed invasion of Iraq, Guantanamo bay, wars for oil. Every country is full of corrupt horrible rich people.

17 May 2024 17:53:27
Exactly Oceandrive.

17 May 2024 18:10:55
Ocean it the same at the bottom mate as the top. Plenty of people claiming benefits taking it out of the mouths who deserve them and deserve more than they get. Rich or poor, no need to discriminate. Bad people everywhere regardless of miney or class.

Me personally, I do care who takes us over. I want a proper business orientated takeover that understands
football, sport and how to grow a sports company using its resources to its maximum.

No more people who love the club or mad billionaires.



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