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15 May 2024 17:48:57
Just been reading Beto wants us to sell him in the summer because he wants to play and not be a sub which i get. but do we actually even own him yet because i can't see any team giving us £26 million for him . l like the effort he puts in but his 1st touch is shocking he traps it further than i can kick it and can't stay on side.

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15 May 2024 19:01:27
He's not on a lease or hire purchase arrangements ?.

15 May 2024 20:43:10
I would imagine he will get his wish for 1st team football, even if he stays, as I can see us selling DCL.

16 May 2024 02:06:44
Maupay and chermiti as back up to Beto then ?‍♂️?‍♂️.

16 May 2024 09:06:55
If Maupay does as well as he did, . he'd be our best player.

{Ed025's Note - he will never be the best player in any team FBS, one if not THE worst player we have ever signed imo mate..

16 May 2024 11:15:52
Let him go asap, he's not good enough for this league. Only thing going for him is that he puts in the effort but shouldn't every player do that anyway? As mentioned above, his control is shocking, he's constantly offside and his shooting is erratic. Cut our losses and grant him his wish immediately. If we sell dcl and are left with him as our main striker then we will be scrapping again at the bottom of the table next season for sure.

16 May 2024 14:21:17

Minutes played - 2092
Games completing 60 minutes or more - 24
Goals scored - 7 (2 Penalties)
Big chances created - 4
Big chances missed - 15
Offsides - 23


Minutes played - 942
Games completing 60 minutes or more - 9
Goals scored - 3
Big chances created - 3
Big chances missed - 8
Offsides - 10

The lad has never gotten a chance to build up even a slither of confidence and we all know that is what strikers thrive off. He has come to a new league and country, in probably the most high-pressured environment possible, considering all the circus with this club.

In noway shape or form do we play to his strengths. The one time we put the ball into him (lovely ball from Garner) he buries it. The occasional times we put him in behind (Doncaster and Newcastle) and he bursts through, using his power and finishes.

Its absolutely baffling how Dom gets given the benefit of the doubt (rightly so btw) about how terrible we are, how little chances we create for him and how he is up there fighting on his own but then those same benefits are not gifted to Beto.

Is Dom a better player, undisputedly so. However, Dom went 19 games without scoring a goal and it was everyone else's fault but his. He has played more than double the game time, got more consistent runs in the team and only scored double the goals Beto has with penalties.

Yes, it was the Italian league but go and look at the goals Beto was scoring for Udinese. He doesn't look like a player who can't score goals to me. Give him time, build his confidence and ultimately, actually give him minutes and he could easily be a 10+ goals striker a season.

The rubbish this man gets is criminal when you can clearly see he tries his best for the shirt, especially when the same cannot be said about others that actually play.

{Ed025's Note - i suppose its how you view things BN, for me Beto is useless mate, very strong and powerful but hes in the wrong sport for me, cant lead the line and is very poor in the air for me, no composure in front of goal and deceptively slow, just my opinion of course..

16 May 2024 15:06:51
By no means do I think he has delivered for us Ed. I think he has been a disappointment but I do think there is an awful lot of context to that disappointment.

It is strange, due to his build and presence, but holding the ball up is not his game. He is slow off the mark but once he gets going he is a hard man to stop.

I think the chances he has missed this season are poor but I think his confidence was decimated from the introduction to life at us. I think he has been criminally mis-managed by Dyche and any chance of him getting going has been non-existent.

I know it is only Doncaster but fans were excited by what he showed in that game. It is extremely unfortunate that Dom decided to be fit for the first time in what felt like forever, which then limited him to a few 5/ 10 minute spells off the bench, where ultimately his confidence eroded by the week.

Personally I think the lad would work best with a partner. It seems absolutely baffling to me that we have one of the best strikers in the league for winning the ball in the air and winning knockdowns or flick ons and then we have Beto, who thrives off being played in behind. How many times has Dyche tried them together, I think I can recall once!

The way I think about new signings has taken a different view now Ed. I will gladly admit that I thought Mykolenko and McNeil were absolutely garbage, even though, like Beto, they both worked their bollocks off. There is no question that they have improved since getting that first stint under their belt. Don't get me wrong they are both still very limited players but they have been important players for us this season for sure. I just feel that Beto could turn out that way for us to, if he was actually given the opportunity.

We shelled out 26 million on him and after this season, I doubt we would get anywhere near that back. Taking that into account, we may as well either give him a chance to prove his worth and/ or increase his value or loan him out back to an Italian club to do the same. I think selling him, is terrible business given our situation.

{Ed025's Note - if we could get our money back i would take him to his new club by wheelbarrow BN, not a fan at all mate but respect your opinion..

16 May 2024 22:12:28
Totally agree with ed025 on everything he said at the end of BN's 1st post. It's about opinions and I've formed mine by watching him play in a blue shirt. For me, he is not, and probably never will be, at premier league standard.
Let's forget about Doncaster as they are not in the same league. He did do well that game but the fact that he has never replicated that game speaks volumes. That is probably his level in this country. Remember his miss against them as well? It sticks in the mind because it nearly went for a throw in!
I'll take your word on the amount of times he has been offside but also remember the times he's in an offside position that breaks up our rhythm and play because he can't receive a pass or the ref will blow.
Blaming the manager is a tough one as, if he trains like he plays, I wouldn't be playing him either.
I don't think confidence is the problem, BN, I honestly don't believe he has the ability to play at this level.
I don't see many people being horrible about him, everyone who doesn't share your opinion have said the same sort of things, tries hard but. Hardly criminal mate, it's just an opinion!



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