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26 Jun 2024 20:05:46
Got to say that after all the stresses of the past few seasons that I'm starting to feel pretty optimistic about next season.

Reality seems to be being addressed with the finances. Getting signings in early in time for pre season instead of the usual EFC deadline day stuff has got to be a positive. It would be kamikaze financial management if at least a few of the saleable assets don't get moved on soon, so I am sure deals are almost done. Everton have sold great players in the past and the club has moved on. The fans and the club are a constant.

The other big boost I felt this week was driving down Boundary Street towards BMD. I hadn't seen the new ground close up for a few months other than online. To say it is epic is an understatement. Can't wait.

{Ed025's Note - im with you Tedster, it could be that the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched on again mate..

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26 Jun 2024 21:41:43
I’m not quite as optimistic. When we are in May and above the drop, I might start to think it’ll be ok for the season….

{Ed025's Note - get on board the good ship Guernsey BR, the weather is set fair and we have wind in our sails mate..



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