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03 May 2024 07:50:22
Looking forward to tonight's game with Everton much improved over the last few games,1-2 for us continuing our excellent form, CoYB.

Agree4 Disagree0

03 May 2024 08:35:59
Could go either way. Our side is safe and relaxed, so can play with freedom. Or carefree could result in careless. For me despite all the criticism we do have some good players and we are tough to break down. One 'old' man over the last couple of games in particular is playing better. Young is playing on his natural side and it shows. Having said all that EFC are professionals and should play like it.

03 May 2024 09:10:15
I think it’s been a case of needs must this season after the awful period of deductions appeals new owners etc etc, Sean has done what he was brought in to do and kept us up whether he gets to continue or not that’s not up to us but I thank the guy and wish him well if it’s with us or not.

03 May 2024 10:43:51
Did he keep us up?

03 May 2024 10:53:04
I think he was our Manager at the time Nick so yes mate he did.

03 May 2024 11:44:16
I think for some players GB it was last chance saloon to stay up, and for others, showcase your talents to another Premier League team. He's tried to do his best in a bad situation but sentiments won't get us moving forward. Time to say goodbye and bring in a younger, hungrier, attacking style manager with good youth policies.

03 May 2024 12:59:24
You read it time and time again, people suggest binning Dyche off and then spin off traits they want in the next manager e. g. more expansive, more progressive, playing on the front foot, modern, young, etc etc, as if these managers just grow on trees and are attainable.

People make it sound so simple.

Where and who are these managers exactly? Why would they come to us? How much would they cost? Why haven't we managed to get one in when changing managers the last half a dozen times?

03 May 2024 13:12:35
Poor vision from directors BN.

03 May 2024 13:23:05
We've had a combination of nearly every type of manager, BN, and we are still in a similar predicament. Definitely agree with you there, who would take this job if we do part ways with SD? We only have to look across the park to see how they've struggled to get in their preferred choice in place. Ending up with what could be a poor man's Ten Haag. We've tried young, hungry managers during FMs tenure and they never worked out so what has changed that makes some fans think this is the answer to our problems?

03 May 2024 14:02:43
I'm sorry I'm retired and old enough to remember good times.
I'm sorry I revelled in successes of the past.
I'm not sorry for demanding better.
If those of you who think surviving relegation each year with Dyche is success I'm sorry for you.

03 May 2024 15:37:20
It’s a game of opinions mate if you don’t understand that then I’m sorry for you.

03 May 2024 15:51:03
What is a young up coming manager and who other than dyche would get that team playing any better while loosing two first team players next season. Probably the best young defender and England number 1.None.

03 May 2024 16:54:06
GB, which side of the fence do you sit on? Last week it was bin Dyche and move forward with a younger manager ????.

03 May 2024 18:53:25
Right now and for the foreseeable future we should stick with Dyche. We can't afford new players until we get new owners and I think that is at least 3 to 6 months away. 777 won't be taking over so it will need to be someone else and we know that process takes months.

A manager with new philosophy will need to bring those players in so it will have to be a building process and the fans will need to be patient.

For now though sit back, enjoy the last three games without fear and watch the debacle unfold before our eyes as our club gets closer to going to wall in the summer.

03 May 2024 18:59:29
Nick, there is no need to apologise for anything. I think you are spot on for wanting better than what has been served up this last decade. I think everyone else wants that as well, I know I certainly do. I do think that there has to be some perspective though.

[Eds note - The rest of this 1200 word post to be made into an article.]



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