21 Apr 2016 13:10:30
Well everton fans, as a liverpool fan I come not to gloat but to say I hope you guys get rid of that imbecile martinez soon, Everton should be pushing for european places not sitting in the lower end of the league and the decline is all to obvious! we need the derby its the one game of the season I enjoy the most due to the atmosphere and excitement in generates, good luck to you guys for Saturday and beat those mancs, but hopefully kenwright gets it right and sacks that idiot before its too late!

1.) 21 Apr 2016
21 Apr 2016 13:28:15
Never knew Cobain was a red! Haha

Cheers Lfcnirvana, what's the general feeling from your lot regarding the game yesterday? Bad when fans from your city rivals start calling for Martinez' head too. Gone from bad to embarrassing.

2.) 21 Apr 2016
21 Apr 2016 13:35:50
lol he sure was! he just never knew it lol

generally we played well but some feel it should have been a lot more tbh score wise, but most lfc fans that I speak to feel the same watching the way everton are going is not right, you made a mistake hiring martinez like we made a huge mistake signing rodgers only we got very lucky getting klopp so let's hope you guys get someone that can actually take everton to were they should be, I've never had a dislike to everton and especially a few years back when we did the joint justice for the 96 that hit it home for me!

Lets just hope there's not to much damage done and keep your chins up things can only get better! I don't mind having banter with everton fans and having a laugh but this has gone beyond funny and it truly is not right to see you guys struggle like this, if it was man u I would be loving it but not everton, just think it happened at a bad time too (the game) as you have the mancs saturday and I couldn't bare watching them win a trophy lol!

3.) 21 Apr 2016
21 Apr 2016 13:49:43
Thanks for your support nirvana, I have had so many reds taking the piss today which is not needed as we know how bad we where.

4.) 21 Apr 2016
21 Apr 2016 14:00:50
You know your having a bad day when a supporter from the other side of the park is more positive about your team than you are!

5.) 21 Apr 2016
21 Apr 2016 14:59:36
no probs gents just wanted to come on and show some support! believe me we thought things couldn't get worse under rodgers and when he went the gloom has been lifted (For now us lfc fans are known to only be pleased for so long lol) but hopefully same happens for you guys!